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02 September, 2019

Stuey's News: Off the Scale Returns in October, More Reviews Coming...

Hello everyone!

Some exciting news for you, Off the Scale will be returning the first Monday of October so buckle in for that because it's going to be a wild ride as we make our way towards 100 episodes and the climax of the whole series.

In addition to all of this, I will be continuing to churn out reviews as fast as I am physically able to, which I'm hoping will be a lot sooner now that my course has finished. I am approximately two films and three books behind so will need to step up my game if I am to get them out this year.

The yearly review will still happen in December so stay tuned for that one.

Thank you all for your patience whilst I made it through a really busy August with all my courses and workshops that I was attending.

Here's to the design changes coming real soon!
