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01 July, 2020

Stuey's News: A Return to Blogging and Keeping Safe in Lockdown

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to post a quick update to keep you all in the loop with regards to my direction going forward.

In this CoVid climate, my personal priorities have had to shift around and some have had to revert backwards. As a result, blogging has taken a significant step backwards. However, I have been doing my best to keep myself safe and my perspective where it needs to be; getting through this period safely with my eyes upon God first and foremost.

Now that I have entered Q3, or Quarter 3, I want to try and gain some momentum with how often I post upon here. I have been through a very challenging period, as I have said in other posts that has meant that blogging has had to take a back seat for a while. A lot of it has been down to some changes that I have had to make in terms of where my ideas were best documented and as a result, journalling has increased in priority.

I do have a couple of reviews planned and they are coming soon, as are some more of the "Off the Scale" entries as I bid to hit 100.

Stay safe!
