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29 January, 2016

60 Seconds of Faith - Episode #0022

Happy Friday!

Here's the latest episode of "60 Seconds..." and I hope you're getting out of this new series as much as I am giving to it...

24 January, 2016

New Horizons

Then God said, "Let there be a space between the waters, to separate the waters of the heavens from the waters of the earth." And that is what happened... Genesis 1:6-7 (NLT) emphasis added

If you haven't already read part one, then follow the link right here.

Hello and welcome to day two of creation!

Who would have thought that I would be able to start a post like that, huh?

So far we, or rather I, have established that God's first act was a revelation of His glory to all of the universe. So what's next?

Now comes the part where the earth is taking shape...

22 January, 2016

60 Seconds of Faith - Episode #0021

Hello everyone!

It's Friday and I hope you've been living it up as I know I have! ;-)

I could wax lyrical about one thing or other, but that would detract from the purpose of today's post, which is simply the arrival, as usual, of my latest ministry programme.

Here it is...

18 January, 2016

A Brighter Light to Follow

Then God said "Let there be light" and there was light. Genesis 1:14 (NLT)

Let's start off as we mean to go on for this is the first in an epic eight-part devotional series as I look in depth into what goes on the moment our God speaks.

This is quite a powerful statement for me, the words 'let there be light' because it shows that, if you read the account of creation a little further down in v14: -
Then God said, "Let lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. Let them be signs to mark the seasons, days, and years. Genesis 1:14 (NLT)
Here we can establish straight away that the first day was not lit up by the sun! 

15 January, 2016

60 Seconds of Faith - Episode #0020

Good afternoon!

I hope everyone's had a great 2nd working week of 2016?

I know I have because I'm now something like 8 weeks ahead in my recordings for my little ministry broadcast "60 Seconds of Faith"!

Rest assured, then, that there is guaranteed content coming here every week for at least the next two months every Friday. This week marks the start of a special 8 part series of devotionals looking at the account of creation as found in Genesis chapters 1 & 2...

09 January, 2016

Shouting to the Four Winds

Hello everyone!

I hope you're all having a great end to the first working week of 2016, because I know I am, despite any setbacks I might have had last month.

I know you could very well be sick of hearing me harp on about that little crush of mine, which hasn't gone away, by the way. You've just got to understand that it's been that bad at times this week that I've pretty much kept myself in a darkened room and just zoned out to everything, good or bad.

But anyways, that's for another life update coming soon!

Onto today's devotional...

08 January, 2016

60 Seconds of Faith: Episode #0019

Hey there everyone!

I hope you're all having a good first working week of 2016. If you're working, I hope it wasn't too stressful, and if you're not, then I'm sure your situation will turn around soon! ;-)

The latest episode of my ministry broadcast comes at a time where I'm starting off a long study into the power behind God's voice when He speaks: -

07 January, 2016

I Am Stu-tacus V: Pushing On No Matter the Cost!

Hey bro's!

It's time for another one of my life updates!

I know that, recently, my devotionals have sort of been fusing with these updates of mine and that has in part been accidental but also in part been intentional. I want you all to know that, whether you like it or not, it is perfectly okay to not be okay sometimes!

People might tell you to 'grow up', or to 'give up' or to 'man up' when it comes to facing your life's problems, but I'm here today to let you know that you can be down sometimes.

It's perfectly natural, in fact...

03 January, 2016

A Breath for a Life II: A Brighter Side to Suffering?

I hope you all got something from the previous posting that I made and that maybe, just maybe, my pain tonight can bring joy to someone in the morning who is currently struggling with an issue of great significance or importance to them.

I mean, sure, my teeny-weeny little crush is not exactly in comparison to some of the serious issues in life when all is said and done. But what it does do is show me the current state of my heart which, emotionally dead and numb as it feels right now, is still beating away in my chest last time I checked! :-P

It didn't make what happened today any easier though...

02 January, 2016

A Breath for a Life

Welcome everyone, to the first "60 Seconds..." devotional of 2016!

This one is going to start off hard and is only likely to get harder to read, so if you're unsure how much you can take, turn away now!

It's going to take some probably unexpected twists and turns as I unpack the first issue that I feel necessary to unpack going into this, a brand new year...

01 January, 2016

60 Seconds of Faith - Episode #0018

Hello everyone!

Happy New Year again! :-)

I hope you had an absolute blinder of a new year celebration like I did, bopping to some quality tunes! ;-)

If not then, aw well, it'll be better the next time around, I'm sure of it!

Happy 2016!!!

Happy New Year everyone!

I hope you have all had a good end to the year and lived up to what I suggested in my recent "60 Seconds..." broadcast, making the most of the last of 2015.

If you haven't, for shame, for shame!!! :-P

If you have, then well done and come and celebrate with me sometime, I'm expecting great things now that 2016 is here, including one very special, life changing event for me!

Watch the skies!