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02 December, 2014

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Further Delays Expected Til Further Notice!

Hey bro's!
First of all let me offer you my sincerest apologies for not writing on this blog much more frequently than I have in the last couple of months. Since my computer died, I've been struggling to commit to regular postings which is a right pain in the rear end!

I was hoping that I could make a start on some serious postings consistently, like I've done with my "Where Praise Is..." series... but alas no! :(

08 November, 2014

Where Praise Is... Planned

To catch up on the previous posting entitled "Where Praise Is... Found", try clicking on the title... go on, I dare you! - ED

Well, this is a joke! :(

I had this post originally written back in November, but I'm forced into a re-write of this because somehow I've managed to duplicate the third post and copied it over what I'd written for this one... honestly, so much for being a better man, huh?

But onto the matter at hand, where praise is planned...

23 October, 2014

Where Praise Is... Found

Hey y'all!

It's that time again where I kick off another series of posts, or musings, whatever your blogging slant is and tackle some issues that both I am facing and we all are collectively.

What do you think of when I mention the word praise...?

20 October, 2014

Where Praise Is - An Interim Musing...

Hey there, bro's!

In advance of my new series of postings entitled "Where Praise Is...", I thought I'd post a quick thought on something that's dropped into my email account this weekend...

16 October, 2014

A Dangerous Life - No Problem Is Insurmountable

This is the final in my "Dangerous..." series of posts so take heart and I hope you find this inspiring and thought-provoking as I did in writing it. TLP

Well, I'm still here...

No, but seriously folks, after the severity of my last post I thought it only right that I address some things that I've been reminded of since my last post...

13 October, 2014

A Dangerous Game - This Is My Confessional

This post comes on a somewhat melancholic note as I'm feeling probably about seventy percent of my usual self due to a cold I can feel coming on.


I must admit that life of late isn't as grand as it usually is because I've been letting stuff get inside my head that should stay firmly outside and I know that it is this that is causing me to walk around with a permanent feeling like a vice is gripping my head.

11 October, 2014

A Dangerous Mind

It's been a long time since I wrote on here, hasn't it, bro's?

I'm truly and honestly sorry for that and want you to know that it's not because I didn't want to, because I did, it's just that things have been chaotic at the minute.

Let me break it down for you...

26 September, 2014

The Write Dimension II - "Sack Me? SACK ME? I Made the BBC!!!"

Well what an absolute shi... bummer! :(

Last night I was laid off by Domino's for reasons which I cannot go into right now because it's still too raw to talk about.

I was basically told "look, you're replaceable, you can't cope with the demands of the job? I can just hire another driver"... way to boost the self esteem, man! >:^(

I'm not going to b***h and whine about it though, because I've done that in the past and it just leaves me bitter and confused. Instead I'm providing a little bit of perspective...

22 September, 2014

The Write Dimension I - Making Changes Where Change Is Due

This is going to be a quick one because so much has changed for me since I last wrote on this blog.

First off, I've been that busy with my new job, working as a delivery driver for Domino's that I haven't had time to give much thought other than to game or to watch movies when not on the clock...

16 August, 2014

Joining The Fiber Optic Revolution II - Supercharged & Super-Fast!

Oh my goodness, why haven't I done this sooner???

I know you're probably laughing right now as I write this because the Virgin Media guy came just over a week ago to fit my broadband and landline and I'm pushing the internet through it's paces!


21 July, 2014

Joining The Fiber Optic Revolution

This posting today comes with a double announcement, both of which harbour the potential to change the way I operate this blog in the future and I am super excited about both of them.

To Live & Die In Dark Souls

As if it's not a clue, this is a reference to the next item I'll be reviewing on my list; Namco Bandai's Dark Souls.

17 July, 2014

Get Inspired III: Pick Your Target, Aim & Fire


We're here at the final part of my series on taking inspiration from every day sources and moving yourself up to a higher reason for living.

We've covered what gets you up in the morning, we've also worked out that you need to live for a higher reason otherwise circumstances and the daily grind will quite happily pull you down again, so what's next?

16 July, 2014

200 Posts & Going Strong...


Can you believe it?

200 posts in a little under a year and a half!

I tell you now that it doesn't feel at all that long since I started writing this blog and though my motor-racing reviews were long-winded and jam packed with detail, it has not lessened my desire to write the good fight.

11 July, 2014

Halo 3 - A Fitting End To An Original Trilogy

Wow, just wow!

Having worked halmy way through the sensational Halo 3 this past few days, it is the first time in a long time, probably since I played the wonderfully creative Bulletstorm.

For the first time, as the credits rolled, I was left with nothing to say other than "wow" over and over again and this is where I earn my crust (well I would if I got paid for this!) by saying, or justifying, why I think this deserves the title of one of the best games of last generation.

10 July, 2014

Get Inspired II: Set Your Sights Higher

Well, I could get used to life like this at the moment and I hope you're having as much fun reading these posts as I am writing them, bro's!

I once again, when considering what to write for the second of my themed messages. I know I can be opinionated at times (alright very opinionated, I cannot deny it, can I?!). I hope I have not been insensitive to you all because that is not my intent, never my intent.

I only seek to advise and give insight into an alternative way of thinking and living.

09 July, 2014

Get Inspired I: Sibelius Did & It Worked For Him

Well, it's certainly proving to be an interesting time of late that's for sure!

By now you'll have no doubt realised just how passionate I'm becoming about this whole series of postings I've done on the power of choices that one has.

Take me for instance (yep, here's another anecdote), having read from "I Declare" how there is power in the words that *I* say so should hold no one else responsible for the words that I utter except myself, I am wondering now just what the future holds as I strive to integrate this into my FutureFocus thinking.

05 July, 2014

Serving Up An Ace - More On Choices

No, this is not a Wimbledon related post I assure you!

I've had one, two, three, maybe four drinks this evening (an excellent french red and a can of lager if you must know, lol!) after serving at the #Blingteaparty and it was an exhilarating experience seeing all the lovely ladies at !Audacious Church get celebrated just for being themselves!

04 July, 2014

Creative Academy V: The Sequel - Missing The Grade By Some Way! >:(


This is the final posting in the Creative series, and to be honest, the last posting in a while on this particular theme as the course finished tonight.

What would cause such a reaction I hear you ask?

Let me say that tonight did not at all go according to plan.

Whose plan? My plan.

02 July, 2014

Arise You Nations, Arise!

Hi all,

Further to my previous posting on choices and our reactions to them, I have just finished reading today's declaration from that "I Declare" book I told you about and thought I'd share a snippet of it with you.

01 July, 2014

A Little Impromptu Posting

I've just been sat on the front step of my flat as I'm often wont to do these days, listening to the evening's Full Works Concert on Classic FM and got to thinking about updating my blog, so here's another post!

I suppose you're wondering whether this will be a musing or a rant and I'll tell you the truth and say that it's the former rather than the latter, because I have no interest in running this blog at 70-75% rant status, especially when I've reviewed stuff in the past.

Saturday @ Glastonbury 2014 - Nothing Really Matters & More...

Well, just as I had anticipated, the Metallica set on Saturday night's Glastonbury was well worth watching and staying up for!

28 June, 2014

Glastonbury, Minecraft & Other Such Stuff...

It's been far too long since I've done one of these postings, where I can get chance to just chew the fat over what I've been up to of late.

For instance, I've finally managed to get some proper time in on Minecraft for my Xbox and I've got a project on the go at the moment that has seen me build a church, a bridge and discover a mountain.

Life, huh?

27 June, 2014

Creative Academy V: The Sequel - Zoning In For The Kill... The Musi-Kill!

Holy balls, dude!

That was an intense session and I think I've just about recovered from performance week at the Creative Academy at !Audacious Church!

23 June, 2014

Job Opportunity? What A Waste Of Time!!!


This posting comes amidst a joke of an "interview" I experienced today so let me tell you all about it as I'm sure you've heard it before or maybe even experienced it yourself...

19 June, 2014

Creative Academy V: The Sequel - Make Music Skilfully and LOUD It Says... SO I DO!!!


What an eventful few weeks I've had at the Creative Academy at !Audacious Church and it's almost at an end now.

The crucial question was 'how did it go tonight'?

Here goes and I'll tell you all about it...

18 June, 2014

Get Rhythm & Get Inspired

Well I guess you could say the fire is well and truly back for me!

You may know that of late I've had issues (haven't we all at times?!) with dental treatment being required along with just being in a general funk about the state of life at the moment.

"It ends tonight" to quote Thomas Anderson...

15 June, 2014

England vs. Italy - A Good Start Even In Defeat

That was a decent enough game, wasn't it? :)

The better team did win on the night, but it is rather heart warming to see this young side start off so brightly only to fall victim to a set-piece that yes, should have been defended better, but they didn't, it wasn't and they ultimately paid the price...

13 June, 2014

Creative Academy IV: The Sequel - Making Music Is FUN!!!

Wow, what an exhilerating experience that was!

Tonight, we were on stage getting to grips with the sound set up at !Audacious Church and this naturally meant that we were plugged into the PA system.

What did I think? I'll tell you what I thought...

07 June, 2014

05 June, 2014

Creative Academy III: The Sequel Pt. 2 - Getting The Hang of Things

I sit here just revelling in how well things went tonight as not only did I get a realisation of just how good I am (see the last posting I made), but also just how good the !Audacious band really are: -

I realised once again it's all about the 360 degree leadership I like to think I invoke in all that I do...

When Inspiration Hits DON'T Hit Back! :D

Ho-lee smokes!

That was a frickin' AWESOME way to spend a Wednesday evening and I'm not talking about watching the football where England faced a certain Ecuador...

03 June, 2014

Medical Bills? What Medical Bills?

This post comes off the back of a surprising revelation I made in my last post about a certain "medical bill" I am facing at the moment...

Don't worry, it's nothing life threatening, so thanks for your concern! :)

01 June, 2014

Creative Academy II: The Sequel Pt. 1 - Learning the Ropes

Righty, this is just a quick one seeing as I'm going through some rather difficult times at the moment and my focus is not where it should be.

This week just past, well Thursday to be precise, was the first of our practice weeks at the !Audacious Creative Academy and I must admit that I've been looking forward to this since I knew that my audition was a given, such was my confidence flying high and all that (yeah, and then I got hit with a medical bill requiring attention, but that's for another post entirely!)...

23 May, 2014

Creative Academy I: It All Begins Again...

Just like the last one bro's, I'll be keeping tabs on my progress as far as the Creative Academy @ !Audacious Church goes, so you can bank on there being updates every Thursday/Friday for the next eight weeks!

I'm jumping the fence this time and aligning myself with fellow electric guitarists, being suitably gifted enough to be able to play either acoustic or electric guitar just as effectively...

22 May, 2014

What's Your Motive - Check Yourself, Bro!


I read this yesterday in my devotionals from Chuck Swindoll of Insight For Living and found it really inspirational, have a read bro's...

During my days in seminary, I formed a habit that helped me immensely throughout life. I had my artistic sister, Luci, print a simple, three-word question on a small rectangular card I placed on the wall above the desk where I spent so much of my time.
Just black letters on a white card, with a bold question mark at the end:
I no longer have the card, but the question is now indelibly etched on my mind. I ask it almost every day of my life. It has proven to be an essential checkpoint I now apply on a regular basis:
Why are you planning this?
What's the reason behind your doing that?
Why did you say yes (or no)?
What is the motive for writing that letter?
Why are you excited over this opportunity?
What causes you to bring up that subject?
Why did you mention his or her name?
What's your motive, Swindoll?
Searching, probing, penetrating questions.
Because the path of servanthood is so perilous, we need to cultivate a sensitive walk with God marked by obedience.

The reason? Well it's simple; because we should all be asking ourselves the very same question: - 


For some it's fame, others it's glory and honour, but for me, it goes without saying that I am to make the Name of God famous wherever I go and whatever I do... simples!

Peace out!

20 May, 2014

Seventeen Days Later...

Whoa, has it really been seventeen days since my last post?

This reminds me of a trend in my journal of some years now, where I won't necessary feel the obligation to write about what's going on in my life as much as I used to...

03 May, 2014

Has Call of Duty Lost The Way?


I've just seen the reveal trailer for the new Call of Duty game.

What can I say that I haven't already said before?

02 May, 2014

God is Limitless & Anecdotes Abound...

Whassup, peeps!

I'm looking forward to writing this blog entry because it comes on the back of the most awesome week I've been having and I want to share some of it with you all...

21 April, 2014

Finally... An Update!


It's been longer than I would have liked, what with my laptop dying from an unfortunate spillage incident and all, to update everyone on what's going on at the moment.

Last night it was our Easter production at !Audacious Church and what a phenomenal event it was, taking a look once again at the Easter story, especially from differing perspectives and how the events that played out some two thousand-odd years ago had a life changing impact for everyone.

It was the one event that changed the past, present and future for everyone that was ever born, is being born today and will continue to for the years to come!

Happy belated Resurrection Day everyone and a more in-depth posting I will make this week!

Peace out!

13 April, 2014

Laptop Dead - Stand By For Sporadic Updates...

Man this is weak and it's also lame! :(

Last Friday my laptop died after a minor incident involving a spillage (more on that to come) so I've been sans laptop until now though I'm loaning this from my dad, which means I'll have to give it him back real soon.

In the meantime, I'll be updating when and where I can via the library computers and this loaned laptop, so expect some delays for the foreseeable future whilst I work out the best solution for getting my laptop fixed.

Thank you for your patience, bro's! ;)

Peace out!

04 April, 2014

Brotherhood 2014 Part Seven - The Art of Making Pt V


Alright, come what may, I am finishing this review of all the stuff that I've garnered from Brotherhood 2014!

Brotherhood 2014 Part Six - The Art of Making Pt IV


How awesome is this!

The only reason I've broken it down into six segments is that I started to realise that, as I have a lot to say usually, it is better that I chop it down into better sized chunks rather than have you trawl through pages after pages of seemingly endless text!

Don't say I never do anything for you, bro's!

Brotherhood 2014 Part Five - The Art of Making (Day Two) Pt III


So what have I covered so far?

My walk this past couple of years, from the downers to the uppers and now here I am basking in the afterglow of an awesome Brotherhood experience.

Let's see if we cannot finish this in one part, shall we?

Brotherhood 2014 Part Four - The Art of Making (Day Two) Pt II


It's gotten pretty intense now I've been lighting the blue touchpaper for what I've garnered from Brotherhood, hasn't it?

Let's crack on...

Brotherhood 2014 Part Three - The Art of Making (Day Two)


Having discovered that what what you appreciate, appreciates in value and, well, you know the opposite of that, I found it high time I remembered my vision all along.

If you've been reading since the early days of my blog where I shared my vision involving a certain Qatari influence, I have since discovered that there is so much more to my purpose than that, it looks like I'll not get there now with God changing my course this past year.

But I digress, onto day two!

Brotherhood 2014 Part Two - Laying Foundations Pt. II


So having got that out of the way, I was left with a swift reminder, courtesy of John's own words that God is a positive God. He can turn around any situation and work it for our good...

Brotherhood 2014 Part One - Laying Foundations

Hey everyone!

It's that time of year again and a week before Brotherhood, just like last year, I finally find out I'm attending, having decided that the cost was just too much to bear at this current time of austerity.

This threw everything up in the air for me as I had to start mentally preparing (if you've read last year's you'll know why!) to see what God was going to say to me through the aforementioned speakers; Ps. Glyn Barrett (our home preacher) & John Cameron (from Arise Church in New Zealand).

Let's see how things went...

27 March, 2014

Brotherhood 2014 - The Prequel


It's that time of year again, the Brotherhood Conference at !Audacious so, just like last year I shall be conducting an in-depth review so you can all share in the wisdom that's imparted from the likes of Ps. Glyn Barrett & this year, from Arise Church in New Zealand, John Cameron!

I'm totally stoked about this as you can imagine from what happened last time...

Peace out!

S.R. Cook

25 March, 2014

The Art of Giving, Not Keeping...

Easy, bro's!

I've just read this today on @Chuck Swindoll's daily devotional email and it moved me, it inspired me so much in fact that I want each and every one of you to benefit from this...

24 March, 2014

Extra-ordinary Pt. 1 - What Are YOU Living For?!

Easy bro's! :)

This blog posting comes at a time of great significance in my life, but I cannot go anywhere without first suggesting you watch this video: -

(EDIT: Okay, that didn't go to plan, Youtube doesn't want to link the video I wanted to use as my example, but fear not because you can always watch it here!)

Watched it? Good, because I want to take a moment to analyse a phrase used in this song...

17 March, 2014

It's All Relational - Ask Stuey No. 1

Whassup bro's!

This is a strange one, because it was not something I was intending on posting on, given that my last postage was regarding how much I thought CoD sucked ba!!s only to then state my case in what I look for in a good game.

This one on the other hand takes on a completely different turn for it's hollerin' out there to those that long for a relationship...

15 March, 2014

Console Wars - For The Id10ts...

Whassup, bro's!

Well, I've finally managed to pick up an Xbox 360, even though i know we're a generation ahead now with the likes of the Xbone & the PS4 on our shores and the likes of Titanfall one of this generations final great games, already making waves before it's even released on the 360... And that's not counting the cheaters that have been spotted on the PC version!

What's my take on this whole console wars b.s...?

14 March, 2014

Striving For Excellence


Have 8 weeks flown by already? It doesn't seem that long since I started the Creative Academy at !Audacious Church, my home away from home!

So I guess the real meat of the issue is "how did it go, bro?!"...

12 March, 2014

A Complicated Little Setup

It's been a while since I updated you all with how things are going, hasn't it?

So what better time to start than right now and with the plans for the future ot tWD.

But not before I let you in on a little secret I've been thinking about this week as far as the future of this blog goes...

04 March, 2014

Dizzy Little Rascals

Here we go,

This issue has been bugging me all day so let me get it off my chest...

02 March, 2014

Further In Depth To The Truth

Whassup, bro's!

As you can imagine, this has been a rather sobering week for me, if only to say that 'The Idea' is on hold for a while as going into a debt of just nearly £6000 at this time is not an option for me!

You could argue the toss that you have to go into debt to start up a business, but do you? Take a look at some of the people that have made a success of a business start-up and ask yourself out of the much they now have, what did they start with...?

27 February, 2014

Pushing the Red Button...


This note comes in a sombre and somewhat melancholic time as I sit here considering my options having now as good as agreed to put 'The Idea' on hold for now...

24 February, 2014

In Spite of Recent Comments... More to Follow


Is it possible to be so busy that you cannot even find time to write on your blog?

Apparently it is and I am, so what with all the stuff I'm doing in preparation for the launch of The Idea later this year, along with the Creative Academy at !Audacious Church along with my time volunteering with the resources (read car park of late, but it's all good, it's all good!) team, scarce do I get a consecutive set of moments where one thing or another is not vying for my time.

I'll post a better posting later on this week about the antics of late because I realise that I've slipped away from  writing on this blog, having been toying with the idea to launch a separate blog for my more pro-Christian comments (and abandoning that one for now folks!), along with a myriad of other possibilities.

Peace out!


10 February, 2014

Wake Within Me


What an eventful week it has certainly been!

As you know, I've talked of the idea so I've been focusing a lot on that as I've had to do some market research to find out off as many people as possible whether there is indeed a market for what I'm going to be peddling.

The results? They confirm what I should not be surprised at really...

07 February, 2014

Let Praise Awaken!!!


You know the drill by now, I talk about something which is closest to my heart because that's been the whole purpose of this blog.

Tonight it's no different, because I got back earlier from another phenomenal session at the !Audacious Church Creative Academy and let me tell you something...

31 January, 2014

Smashing It Like a Boss!

Whassup peeps!

This posting comes at a time when great things are on the horizon for me; I've already told you I'm moving out into business for the first time in my life... well, things just got a whole lot more interesting...

27 January, 2014

End of the Month Already?! :O


Where has time gone, huh? :D

I can't believe my last post on my blog was almost a month ago now, but such is the force of life sometimes that drags you away from the norm and pulls you into directions aplenty!

I'll be in touch to talk more about what's been going on this past few weeks since my last blog posting, so stay tuned! ;)

Peace out!


05 January, 2014

Another Target Hit - Whatever Can a Writer Do Next?

Whassup, bro's!

A brief message this, just to let you all know that a while back I said that I was writing a 1000 page (yes, you read that right 'one thousand words', bro's!) story and today marks the historic day where I have finally hit the target!

More to follow in the days to come, who knows I may even do a writer's masterclass on what I look for in a great story... stay tuned to find out!

Peace out!


02 January, 2014

R.I.P. James Avery - Uncle Phil's No Longer With Us! :( :( :(

Maaan, another great has gone!

James Avery, the man who played Uncle Phil in the irreplaceable Fresh Prince Of Bel Air, has sadly died at the age of 68! :( :( :(

My condolences go out to all his family and friends at this difficult time...

01 January, 2014

Happy New Year Everyone!!!

Hey bro's!

This is just a quick one to wish you a very happy new year and here's hoping that 2014 brings you all the things that you desire, as long as you're willing to work and work hard for them (naturally! :P)!

Whatever you do, wherever you go and whatever you believe... just know that you're only limited by your own belief of yourself so start talking positive about yourself, start bigging yourself up and watch as the universe aligns to make the impossible possible (though I'll know who's really in control of all that!)...