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29 June, 2016

Crush Series is Cancelled!

Before you react and say I've lost my mind, I want you to know that, in light of yesterday's post, I have decided to cancel my series looking at how I'm coping with my crush.

Yes, I know I've been here before, but last night was a real eye-opener to me as Ps. Steven's message helped me to realise that in breathing life into it, I was giving it a more prominent position in my life...

28 June, 2016

Coming Back to Where it All Started

And God said, “I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain.” Exodus 3:12 (NIV) emphasis added

Hello everyone!

Around an hour or so ago, I finished pushing into another encounter with God in light of recent revelations that I've been blatantly making towards my c... nope, you're not going to hear me talk about it so much anymore!


It has on the one hand done me a favour in freeing me up to talk about it, but on the other hand, I started to see, thanks to a message from Elevation Church that I watched tonight, it was slowly creeping its way onto the throne of my heart, somewhere God should have been all along...

24 June, 2016

60 Seconds of Faith - Episode #0042

Hello everyone!

I must admit, that I've been enjoying writing so frequently upon my blog these days that I'm going to keep trying to churn out the content for as long as I can!

I'm sure you're all getting your fits and giggles in as I express my own disappointments because of how I feel about a certain person yet so far, seem incapable of expressing my feelings to her! :-P

Happens To Be On the Other Side (By Crush, By Design IV)

FYI: I don't normally take requests for content for my blog, precisely because it is my blog. However, Sunday I decided to make an exception to that rule because of the nature of a suggestion made by a friend of mine.

Peter, thank you, my good buddy! ;-) - TLP

And so, another series of postings comes to an end!

I hope you have all enjoyed this because this has been a challenge for me to write!

In closing today, I want to encourage you that your problems need never ever define you, no matter what other people say!

I've been told to "let go", to "give up" and "move on", when it comes to my crush, but if I had followed those instructions then I would not have experienced what I experienced on Tuesday...

22 June, 2016

Something to Rely On (By Crush, By Design III)

FYI: I don't normally take requests for content for my blog, precisely because it is my blog. However, Sunday I decided to make an exception to that rule because of the nature of a suggestion made by a friend of mine.

Peter, thank you, my good buddy! ;-) - TLP

Oh how appropriate, how relevant is this title after last night!

I went to our Young Adults' Belonging, a gathering designed to better allow our younger generation to not only connect with one another, but also to connect with God on a more intimate and personal level.

But do you remember what I said last time about my little "Duck/Goose" experiment? Well it backfired in my own hands no, my own face quite spectacularly...

21 June, 2016

Until Your Breakthrough Comes (By Crush, By Design II)

FYI: I don't normally take requests for content for my blog, precisely because it is my blog. However, Sunday I decided to make an exception to that rule because of the nature of a suggestion made by a friend of mine.

Peter, thank you, my good buddy! ;-) - TLP

Hello everyone!

To get this out of the way right off the bat, I'm fully aware that I've tackled the idea that praise begets breakthrough in my "Where Praise Is..." series (ED - which can be found here, here and here FYI), some time ago, which I've just discovered was actually a couple of years ago now, wow!

In it, I was looking at what happens when you set your praise up in the right places versus the wrong ones. This time, however, I want to look at what to do when you don't want to get your praise on...

20 June, 2016

Pray Above Your Weight (By Crush, By Design)

FYI: I don't normally take requests for content for my blog, precisely because it is my blog. However, yesterday I decided to make an exception to that rule because of the nature of a suggestion made by a friend of mine.

Peter, thank you, my good buddy! ;-) - TLP

Welcome to a brand new week everyone!

We're already on day two of another week so as time moves ever onwards, may this week be even greater than the last one for you all. :-)

This week I'm going to be posting pretty much every day as I take a suggestion offered to me yesterday by a good friend of mine and run with it for the next four days...

18 June, 2016

My Crush is in God's Hands, Not Mine!

Moses answered God, “But why me? What makes you think that I could ever go to Pharaoh and lead the children of Israel out of Egypt? Exodus 3:11 (MSG) emphasis added


I could almost get used to this!

The more and more that I am pouring my heart on here about what having a crush is doing to me, the easier it is getting, albeit gradually!

Yes, that's right, this week sees another devotional fused with a life update and it just seems to be the way forward these days, especially now I'm committed to a newer level of openness and honesty...

17 June, 2016

60 Seconds of Faith - Episode #0041

Hello everyone!

I would not have expected this week to turn out like it has, I can tell you that much and I think back to how I made some definitive claims recently in my three part "Another Breakthrough" series!

To recap, they can be found here, here and here...

15 June, 2016

Another Breakthrough Part III: I Will Press On & Not Be C-rushed

Hello everyone!

I was originally going to leave my last thought under the heading "Another Breakthrough" as a two-parter, but I couldn't really do that, not when I've got so much to say on this.

I made it clear, recently, that I'm not letting anything (ED - and he means anything!) get in the way of me following my calling for Jesus, not some silly little crush I've got, not anything!

It's as simple as me making sure I'm open, honest & transparent when it comes to what I write on here because I have to consider that all the things that I'm writing have the potential to be read (or not!) by friends and those closest to me...

14 June, 2016

Another Breakthrough Part II: Ain't No C-rushing Me Now!

Following directly on from my last post, I wanted to bring some further thoughts that I've been having on this very subject of making the most of both my breakthrough and the fact that I seem to have found my True North once again.

Sometimes, it can be all too easy to get distracted and that, for me, is why I have to make sure that I have the appropriate music on in the background as I write these posts. I've seen where some of the heavier stuff leads me and right now it is not where I need to be going.

Today's choice is the classical pianist Ludovico Einaudi, probably my all time favourite pianist of the modern era, as I try to unpack some more of what I've been talking about lately...

13 June, 2016

Another Breakthrough Part I: No Time Left to C-rush

Hello everyone!

I know some of you might well be concerned for my own safety and wellbeing with how up and down that I have been these past few months, but I want you all to know that I am of a far greater mindset now than I've ever been before.

I've got Planetshakers' "#Let's Go" album going in the background as these letters form words on this post, and I will admit that changing all the music around that I've been listening to has been key to breaking the chains that I was bound by in terms of crushing so heavily on someone that it hurt like an absolute mother!

I've only got one Person to thank for this; Jesus!

11 June, 2016

Oh Ye Of Little Faith - If God SAYS It, He WILL Do It!

Do not come any closer," God said. "Take of your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground." Exodus 3:5 (NIV)

I've backed up slightly from this week's reading in episode 40 because I want to get across a point that I think needs making right away.

God spoke to Moses through a burning bush and the first thing that Moses noticed was that the bush was not being consumed as the conflagration enveloped it.

But why was God saying "the place where you are standing is holy ground"...?

60 Seconds of Faith - Episode #0040

Hello everyone!

Yes, I know, I'm well aware that I'm late with this week's broadcast, but don't worry... it's here and it's done!

I've already admitted that this past couple of weeks have been quite a transition for me because of how I'm struggling to deal with my feelings for a certain person I'm kinda crushing on right now...

08 June, 2016

Crushing: From Unbelief to Intimidation to Sufficiency

I'm writing this as the Mavericks come from my phone, having posted then redacted a post I made last night about the acquisition of the awesome film "The Revenant" starring Oscar winner Leonardo DiCaprio (ED - even I don't have to say that it's about time to that one!).

Today, I want to take a different approach to the one that I mentioned in that post and instead of "peering into the abyss", I'm going to trace a little journey you'll remember we've all been on as "60 Seconds of Faith" has been running its course this year...

07 June, 2016

More Than Enough For My Crush Part III: Then What About Me?

This was hardly a topic that I could leave off now, was it?

I've talked often enough about my crush, but it was about time I took it captive and subjected it to what the Bible says and as I quoted in the first part of my trifecta of posts, God is clearly at work if He is allowing this crush to linger for so long!

He has allowed it to linger for so long to test me, as He told me in His own words a couple of Friday's ago!

More Than Enough For My Crush?! Part II: God Knows What He is Doing!

Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed last night's post, if you didn't, there's hope for today's post, but even if you don't enjoy that, there's always the next one, lol! :-P

But seriously though, the reason that I've raised such honesty in this week's devotional is because of the level of emotional turmoil that I am undergoing whilst I try to withstand the pressure of my crush.

Why withstand it and not give it up altogether though?

06 June, 2016

More Than Enough For My Crush?! Part I: Of COURSE God Is, Silly!

Caution: The following post deals with some heavy stuff regarding my crush so it may be tough for some of you to read as I'm leaving no stone unturned.
Fair warning have ye been given, so proceed with great care! - TLP

Hi everyone!

I'm currently writing this as I try and blink away tears because holding onto this crush of mine is getting harder and harder every day.

I have to try and keep my perspective exactly where it should be; on Jesus!

It is not easy, I can tell you that much, as can anyone else who's ever had or has a crush on someone they know...

04 June, 2016

60 Seconds of Faith - Episode #0039

Hey everyone!

I'm sorry this week's broadcast is late, I'm going through some really tricky emotional stuff all to do with my crush, so hopefully I'll have a devotional for you this weekend as normal.

I'm going to try not to let it interfere with the running order of things on here, but as you know when the heat really piles on, I go all shy and hide away for a while!

01 June, 2016

You're the Reason We Came...

As promised yesterday (even though I'm writing this Tuesday!), I'm going to take a quick look at what happened last weekend at church that was so much of a breakthrough for me.

It came during a time where I've been blatantly admitting that I've been struggling at times to deal with this crush I've got on someone I know, or want to know at church.

As you can imagine then, it gave me not only a better perspective, but also a much healthier outlook moving forward...