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21 July, 2014

Joining The Fiber Optic Revolution

This posting today comes with a double announcement, both of which harbour the potential to change the way I operate this blog in the future and I am super excited about both of them.

To Live & Die In Dark Souls

As if it's not a clue, this is a reference to the next item I'll be reviewing on my list; Namco Bandai's Dark Souls.

17 July, 2014

Get Inspired III: Pick Your Target, Aim & Fire


We're here at the final part of my series on taking inspiration from every day sources and moving yourself up to a higher reason for living.

We've covered what gets you up in the morning, we've also worked out that you need to live for a higher reason otherwise circumstances and the daily grind will quite happily pull you down again, so what's next?

16 July, 2014

200 Posts & Going Strong...


Can you believe it?

200 posts in a little under a year and a half!

I tell you now that it doesn't feel at all that long since I started writing this blog and though my motor-racing reviews were long-winded and jam packed with detail, it has not lessened my desire to write the good fight.

11 July, 2014

Halo 3 - A Fitting End To An Original Trilogy

Wow, just wow!

Having worked halmy way through the sensational Halo 3 this past few days, it is the first time in a long time, probably since I played the wonderfully creative Bulletstorm.

For the first time, as the credits rolled, I was left with nothing to say other than "wow" over and over again and this is where I earn my crust (well I would if I got paid for this!) by saying, or justifying, why I think this deserves the title of one of the best games of last generation.

10 July, 2014

Get Inspired II: Set Your Sights Higher

Well, I could get used to life like this at the moment and I hope you're having as much fun reading these posts as I am writing them, bro's!

I once again, when considering what to write for the second of my themed messages. I know I can be opinionated at times (alright very opinionated, I cannot deny it, can I?!). I hope I have not been insensitive to you all because that is not my intent, never my intent.

I only seek to advise and give insight into an alternative way of thinking and living.

09 July, 2014

Get Inspired I: Sibelius Did & It Worked For Him

Well, it's certainly proving to be an interesting time of late that's for sure!

By now you'll have no doubt realised just how passionate I'm becoming about this whole series of postings I've done on the power of choices that one has.

Take me for instance (yep, here's another anecdote), having read from "I Declare" how there is power in the words that *I* say so should hold no one else responsible for the words that I utter except myself, I am wondering now just what the future holds as I strive to integrate this into my FutureFocus thinking.

05 July, 2014

Serving Up An Ace - More On Choices

No, this is not a Wimbledon related post I assure you!

I've had one, two, three, maybe four drinks this evening (an excellent french red and a can of lager if you must know, lol!) after serving at the #Blingteaparty and it was an exhilarating experience seeing all the lovely ladies at !Audacious Church get celebrated just for being themselves!

04 July, 2014

Creative Academy V: The Sequel - Missing The Grade By Some Way! >:(


This is the final posting in the Creative series, and to be honest, the last posting in a while on this particular theme as the course finished tonight.

What would cause such a reaction I hear you ask?

Let me say that tonight did not at all go according to plan.

Whose plan? My plan.

02 July, 2014

Arise You Nations, Arise!

Hi all,

Further to my previous posting on choices and our reactions to them, I have just finished reading today's declaration from that "I Declare" book I told you about and thought I'd share a snippet of it with you.

01 July, 2014

A Little Impromptu Posting

I've just been sat on the front step of my flat as I'm often wont to do these days, listening to the evening's Full Works Concert on Classic FM and got to thinking about updating my blog, so here's another post!

I suppose you're wondering whether this will be a musing or a rant and I'll tell you the truth and say that it's the former rather than the latter, because I have no interest in running this blog at 70-75% rant status, especially when I've reviewed stuff in the past.

Saturday @ Glastonbury 2014 - Nothing Really Matters & More...

Well, just as I had anticipated, the Metallica set on Saturday night's Glastonbury was well worth watching and staying up for!