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08 February, 2022

All at a Loss

Hello everyone!

This is a sad one for me to have to write this... in the middle of last month, my father went to be with the Lord.

It has hit me really hard and, admittedly, left me all at a loss what to do with myself. I don't know what mornings are like, especially as I find I'm sleeping in until early afternoons at the moment. But I'm trying to give myself the grace to cope with my grief the best way I can.

In the grand scheme of things, at least daddy is out of the way of the harm that this world causes people, that's a big plus, especially when I consider what the world has done to lesser men than my dad.

I'm still gaming, at the moment working my way through Relicta, an intriguing physics-based puzzler that I hope to take a look at in a bit more detail here once I've finished the game. I'm about two-thirds done with it...

I still want to blog so I'll see you soon.


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