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02 October, 2015

7 Days of Praise II - (Day Six) The Final, Finishing Touches

My goodness, this week has certainly been eventful, that's for sure!

My mum said to me on Thursday that it, and I quote, "looks like you've been working". Now that could have been because I'd turned up wearing a shirt and trousers, looking dang sharp if I do say so myself!

But the reality of the situation is that I have just put that much time and effort into my "7 Days of Praise" celebration that sometimes the sessions have ran to two and three hours long!

That's the price you pay for wanting to usher in a new era of change!

New Normal, More Dimensions

At my church, we've been doing a series of preaches on the "New Normal", this idea that every so often, a season comes along that forces you to throw out the old in order to make way for the new thing that the Lord is forever looking to do for His people.

So how does this...? No, I don't need to ask how this affects me because I've worn my heart on my sleeve this past six days, haven't I?

I've left no stone unturned, I have embarrassed myself, humbled myself to the point where I know I'm just a man...

But also, I am a #giantkiller!

Yes, that's right, I just hash-tagged, big whoop!

Giant Killers Are Born, Not Made!

Learning, from the middle of last month that God was indeed doing a new work in me, I learned to give myself over to it fully and completely, to show God how much I trust Him to run this to completion.

Since then, I've bawled my eyes out, I've been to the top of mountains and even beyond that where my vision went to the very top of reality and I saw everything clearly before me!

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about seeing future events before they happen, but what I am talking about is God giving me such an indescribably vivid vision of the universe as He sees it and also where I fit into it, thanks to yesterday's life-changing message from John Cameron!

It is at this point, I affirm my comparison to a clapped out old banger going in for its M.O.T. only to fail to realise that it had in fact been nominated for an episode of 'Pimp My Ride'... in other words, like I'm sure I've said before, I knew this whole experience was designed to bring me fully to the end of myself so that I throw myself into God's workshop and said "Lord, make me new again!".

So He did!

Being faithful and true to His word, that is what He did!

A Father Figure Fashioned After A True Father Figure

To bring the penultimate chapter in this "7 Days of Praise II" celebration towards a close, I refer you to the following message that I watched from Free Chapel in Georgia hosted by Jentezen Franklin: -

The title of the message? "God's Perspective on Parenting"...

Go on, check it out for yourself, believe you me, that is what it is called!

Are you noticing a growing trend here? Yesterday's message from Arise Church in New Zealand saw "A Picture of Fatherhood"... do you need any clearer signals? I am destined to become a father!

Don't look at me like that and tell me I've conveniently clicked the one's that have these themes, I'm not the one doubting the running theme that's spread out across this week!

God appointed a wife for me, He ordained that we would have children, He ordained me to speak it out, so I'm speaking it out: -
I am destined to meet his special lady at !Audacious Church, together we will become a power couple for Christ and we will fulfil the command to go forth, be fruitful & multiply!
Come off it!

I'm not playing that game again... answering questions about who she is, whether I know who she is yet, that's a game that doesn't get won on your terms!

Don't be silly, I know I said that a certain lady made a real impression upon me last Sunday, but like I said, that is the first time we have spoken!

I want to put her mind at ease, if she reads this, that I'm categorically, 100%, not forcing anything upon her that doesn't have the chance to develop over time... I have no game plan, well, not yet anyway, lol! ;-)

Final Thought

Can you see now? This running theme of reminding me of the calling that is upon my life? It is no wonder that John Cameron's message was so devastatingly powerful the moment that I called my dream out from deep on the inside and actually declared it out!

Let me remind you of the question that ties to it: -
"If there was a woman in a crowd, would you pick her out?"
There is much more truth hidden in this question than first appears, have a think for yourselves what it could mean... go on... I dare you!

I'll tell you what it means; that I'm prepared to do anything to get the attention of the lady of my dreams!

Embarrass her? Check.

Embarrass myself? Whatever it takes, lol! :-D

I'm a shark and I'm looking for bait!

I told my friend last night, to his confusion at first, that I was quite willing to do something so audacious, so wreckless, that it might just get me slapped!

Yes the slap would be worth it, because of whose hand it would be doing the slapping! ;)

I'll leave you to figure out what I'm saying there...

Peace off!

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