Hello everyone!
Thank you for your kind patience and support whilst I have worked through the issues that have been pressing against me for quite some time now. I am now in a far better place than I have been so will be looking to take full advantage of this by continuing to make the changes I have mentioned already.
First up, I am saddened to announce that come edition 100, I will no longer be continuing my "Off the Scale" classical music feature.
Thank you for sticking with it because it has been an absolute blast trawling through the archives for classical music that I think you will enjoy. It's just that I think 100 episodes is a very reasonable target to achieve and want to move on.
This whole series has caused me to grow my writer's voice even more by quite some measure since it's inception, but I can no longer sustain the commitment if I want to push through the changes I am planning on making.
Follow me to find out some more things that are coming...