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18 March, 2022

Moving Forward

Hello everyone!

The process of finding momentum does not always come easy, but it should be sought out nonetheless for otherwise if you are prone to depression and/or anxiety, you end up losing sight of the bigger picture. I have had to adjust to life without my dad now for the last couple of months and it's not been easy at all. But I know I have to keep moving forward. It's what he would want for me...

16 March, 2022

Just a Quick Update...

Hello everyone!

Well, it's been just over a month since my last update and, whilst I haven't been able to do a fraction of what I would have liked to have done by this time of the year. I have had to adjust and adapt to differing expectations now that daddy is, sadly, no longer with me.

I miss him like crazy every day. Some days are easier than others, but what I'm finding the hardest is coping with the triggers that remind me of him...