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10 July, 2024

Do the Next Thing

Well, it's the second half of the year and the height of summer!

Or one would think it is one day here in Oldham, but not the next!

Still, you got to make the most of each day as they are all like sand in an hourglass slipping through your fingers. We can state the need to make the most of every moment, but how many are actually doing it?

No, seriously.

How many conversations have you had with people who... just... seem... to be going nowhere in life? You know, they seem to be absent of ambition, of dreams for the future they want, and may even go as far as blaming everyone and everything around them for the reason they are like they are today.

But it doesn't have to be like that.

In fact, I'd argue that if it's like that today then, chances are, you're not doing enough to unfasten your eyes from off the present and onto future glories. It's easy to think that this is all there is if all there is becomes all you look at every day.

You need to dream bigger. Higher. Faster. Further. Longer.

I don't claim to have all the answers how to do this, just a conviction that if all I see today can be changed at any point by learning to focus on just one thing different then I'm going to do all I can do in order to find that one.

The law of nature is: Do the thing, and you shall have the power, but they who do not the thing have not the power. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

It all comes down to doing that next thing that will make that shift in perspective. Not the one after, or the one after.

The. Next. Thing.

If you want that change in your life, will you do what's necessary to have it?

As long as it's safe and legal do it, it's worth it, trust and believe that!


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