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10 February, 2014

Wake Within Me


What an eventful week it has certainly been!

As you know, I've talked of the idea so I've been focusing a lot on that as I've had to do some market research to find out off as many people as possible whether there is indeed a market for what I'm going to be peddling.

The results? They confirm what I should not be surprised at really...

That God was always going to come through just as He is doing at the moment and all because I've realigned the direction in my life heading onwards and upwards to greater things!

Type the hashtag 'greaterglory' in Facebook - that's what I'm doing it for; the greater glory that's to come!

Should I be surprised that so far, everyone has pretty much identified a need for the service I'm providing? NOPE!!!

Come on! God gave me the idea for photographic restoration & preservation in the first place so it's not like there wasn't going to be a market!

So without further ado, I present to you another song from Planetshakers that is going to be the theme for this new season of mine that I'm moving into: -

The line "wake within me, You're in my heart forever" sums up pretty much what I'm remembering and I'm calling all those who believe the same to remember also! ;)

W-wait a m-minute... I digress! That's not only what I wanted to talk about!

There's something else... a small matter of serving on teams!

Alas, tonight it was my first time serving on teams at !Audacious & having signed up to be on the Resources team & Creative Academy it bodes well for the future that's for true!

Anyway, I turned up expecting to be watching over the books and CDs etc... but instead was given the opportunity to serve on car park team. Now, I know you're thinking, if you're from the North West of the UK (or just anywhere where it's been frickin co-old this past few days!), how could I sacrifice the warmth of an auditorium for the outdoors?


In the summer I thrive in the outdoors and enjoy going to the park for walks & just to chill out reading, so to do so in extremes I've braved worse than before was a no-brainer!

It was certainly an experience, being kept on your toes as more cars kept turning up (as they do, lol!) for the evening service, but you know what? It taught me something last night and you know what that was?


There were a few stragglers tonight and they reminded me, in part, of myself who normally arrives just as the service is starting so that's gonna change from now on because of how much my church means to me!

We talked, we directed cars & we even raced around on a scooter at one point and you know what? I wouldn't trade that for anything, ESPECIALLY not being indoors and missing out on it!

Do you want to know why?

Because it was so far outside of myself, what I used to be like, it showed me just how I've changed not only as a person, but also a believer because now I recognise the full value of my potential when it comes to welcoming new people into the church.

Sure, I've mentioned all about me and what I got from it all, but at the end of the day... I'm merely pointing out that I was directing traffic as is my mission statement; to "be the signpost that points people to Christ".

No doubt you've seen how I've cranked that up several notches since the recently announced change of direction for my blog!

Anyhow, I thought it'd be a great opportunity to share on my blog what is going on right now because there are more changes along the way, I can feel them & you know why? Simply put, I put it down to a changing of the guard, as it were, within me, recognising that the Spirit within needs the chance to shine if I am to be as fully effective a signpost as I can be!

That's enough for now... but I'll be back, I assure you!

Peace out!


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