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20 May, 2014

Seventeen Days Later...

Whoa, has it really been seventeen days since my last post?

This reminds me of a trend in my journal of some years now, where I won't necessary feel the obligation to write about what's going on in my life as much as I used to...

I remember it used to boil down to two reasons: -

  1. Things just were going so far south that I did not wish to record them in said journal; or
  2. There wasn't enough going on that warranted writing about it
As you can tell already, I'm a writer at heart and I've come up with some things that I probably would have kept to the pages of my journal had I not this blog to vent my opinions all over. Some I probably should have, had I that ability to prevent myself from saying things that others may not want to hear.

But as you can tell over this past year or so, that function has been worn down and worn away from within me so I can expect a whole heap of trouble from here on out, because people don't like straight-talkers do they?

That's why I'm glad I take my cue from Larry David!

Coming up is the Creative Academy at !Audacious Church, my home away from home, on Thursday for the next eight weeks so that's gonna be sweet. You can be sure I'll write about it on here too!

Other than that, it's been job searching, enjoying the sunshine as I'm often wont to do by sitting on the front step of my flat, which starts an obsession I've now got with a belter of a little radio I picked up last week from Tesco, but more on that at a later date!

Peace out!

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