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25 December, 2015

60 Seconds of Faith - Episode #0017

Merry Christmas everyone!

I hope you're all having a great time of year and I just want to let you all know that I'm wishing you all the best for this time of year because I know what it's like to be down especially when everywhere you look it's couples, couples, couples. It's probably the second most dreaded time of year for singletons, aside from Valentine's Day.

But do you think I'm defined by my marital status?

If yes, based on recent content, then I'm afraid you're dead wrong, lol!

My focus was pulled away from the real #ReasonForTheSeason and that is of course the fact that Christmas time (aside from a certain calendar issue I am well aware of!) is used, for me, to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing off this year, kicking it well and truly into touch!

However, that has not stopped me from making sure my little "60 Seconds..." project goes out, even if it is Christmas Day when this comes out, a time when other companies would suspend all productions.

So don't say I don't make exceptions for you, bro's! :-P

Feliz Navidad, Buon Natale, Joyeux Noël & Frohe Weihnachten everybody and the same in all the many languages that I have missed! ;-)


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