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28 December, 2015

Unto God Be All of the Praise

Right-o, this is the last update of this year!

No seriously, it is, because next week's "60 Seconds..." and accompanying devotional will of course occur on the first day of 2016!

I can tell you for one thing; that I cannot wait to see the back of this year and my past because next year, I will be making a serious attempt to distance myself from the things and the people that tried to hold me back as I rush headlong into my life-changing destiny.

Now, some of you might think it a little lacking of discretion on my part in daring to share with you about how I was afflicted with a little, or not so little, crush towards the close of 2015.

Unto God Be All of the Praise

Let's start things off this time with a song: -

This is my way of acknowledging just how sidetracked I became as I met, for the first time, a lovely young lady who (ED - and to be honest she was well within her rights to, despite how badly it upset the author of this blog at the time!) said she didn't like me that way.

Whether that changes over time, I do not know, I do not hold a crystal ball...

What I did do is take some time out from attending the church to sort through exactly just how badly I was affected by her decision at this time. Also, I did it to create some space between us because I did not want to return and end up saying something stupid, hurtful or offensive.

That, my dudes, is how much respect I have for her and I saw that in the immediate aftermath, I really felt as if I could have been an a$$ and made the situation worse... but not anymore, I have to be the bigger man that I really am deep down inside!

The REAL #ReasonForTheSeason

It may have come at an unfortunate time, right in the run up to Christmas, but I knew that if I let it fester like an open wound it was in danger of pulling my focus from exactly where it should have been; on Christ and what He did in leaving Heaven.

In taking that decision to come to live amongst us, He was proving that He was not above our circumstances, but came down to be one of us to experience life as we knew it.

His remarkable story is told in the gospels and we are even told that there were that many miraculous signs and wonders that He did, that even if there were time and space to record them all, I believe it would have wrapped itself around the earth several times over such was His wonder-working power that He so effortlessly displayed.

Christmas is easily a time where we consider it more about exchanging gifts and sentiments of a festive variety when, despite the calendrical (ED - that's a new word he's made up right there!) differences, to Christians the season of Christmas is more about remembering that Jesus was born of a virgin birth than it is about celebrating the pagan traditions.

I've already made it clear that I hold you no ill will if you do not believe what I do, I'm just simply referencing the origins of a tree & decorating said tree do not correlate with what we believe as Christians.

There are many Christian families that celebrate with the decoration of a tree and putting presents under said tree and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, until it comes to be more about the presents and the card-swapping than it is about the birth of our Saviour.

I can hear the cries of 'anti-children' from here and you're wrong, I'm not against Christmas being "for the children", but I am against not telling them the real #ReasonForTheSeason!

Let your Christian kids celebrate with their toys and games, just don't let them forget that we are celebrating the greatest gift of all mankind; Jesus' birth.

If you don't believe that, fine, that's your decision, but you're on my turf in reading this blog, so it's my chance to simply state that this is what I believe.

You believe one thing, I don't.

We have a difference of opinion, that's all.

One Difference, Same Outcome

To some, though, you cannot have an opinion that is different to theirs and that is where I find it wrong and a grossly miscalculated offence. I'm allowed to believe what I do, you're allowed to believe what you do.

I'm only stating my case here, you don't have to like it or even agree with it, but what you do have to do with it is to choose whether to take it onboard if it is not what you believe.

Anyways, that is why I knew I had to pull away from !Audacious for a while because if I am to find my future bride there, (ED: hint - he is!) then I have to make sure that I am in the greatest condition of my life in order to be the best representative of a Christian male that I can be.

You see, I believe in being the one, before I can find the one!

I always believed I was a 'greater form of life' and what I meant by that was my refusal to accept living at a mediocre level and instead aspire to live to a level of superhero proportions, lol! ;-)

People might call me a bit of a hypocrite given that I recently posted a video on here stating my case why I believe you should be attending a church regularly.

Yes, maybe my attitude turned a tad hypocritical...

But what if you seriously thought you would do someone serious harm with your words if you saw them again and failed to exercise self-control?

That is how angrily I reacted to what she said to me!

I already compared it to a shotgun blast in the chest...

The fault would surely have been on my doorstep if I'd have allowed myself to be around her and to say or do something stupid!

But also, that is how determined that I was to not put myself in a position where I could say or do something utterly bonkers and spoil even a chance at a friendship. After all, that's what counts more than anything I could be looking for right now; a true friend that I can count on when the chips are down as well as up!

In pulling away, I knew I had a perfect chance to get my focus on making sure I celebrated Christmas the way I intended to before also avoiding our young adults' new years' party, again for the same reason I've already put forward.

People can judge me all they like, I did what I did for a reason!

At this moment in time I know if, given the chance again, I would have pulled away again because if I thought I was liable to say something hurtful to her then the best thing that I could do is to stay away from her for a wee while!

Just not too long though, because I am more interested in being her friend at this point in time, dudes!

Final Thought

The last four days of this year are ticking by, bro's, and I for one cannot wait to see the back of this year because I know that I've got a very, very significant 2016 coming up, including one life-changing event that I so desperately want to tell everyone about...

But I can't!

I'm not allowed to! :-(

I know it's going to shock a few people, me especially because, given my current state, I know not how it can come about, but I know one thing...

God does!

"Unto God be, all of the praise" indeed!

Watch the skies!

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