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22 October, 2018

LS032 - Thinking is Believing

Image result for as a man thinketh so is he

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the first devotional in quite some time. It's not been intentional as there has been a lot of personal stuff going on at the moment that I just don't want to blog about.

I'm not keeping you out of the loop for your best interests, but for my own best interests because I have come to realise that, in my life, I am clearly becoming too open a book for some people to deal with. I'll never apologise for that because it's who I am and it's what I do.

It's why I blog; what you see, is what you get.

Today, I want to look at some of the lessons I have learnt from keeping a rigorous check upon thought life...

As You Think, So You Become

There are many thoughts that you will be having right now and not all of them will be helpful to your development. I'm not here as your counsellor, nor should I be because that's not my role. Yet I cannot help but wonder how many of us are in situations that are a product of the thoughts we think.

Positive or negative.

Good or bad.

The answer? All of us.

You see, when you start putting your mind in a gear, your life as the vehicle, will start to travel in that direction. I've looked before at the idea that where your focus is, there your direction of your life will go. The more we train our minds to think negatively about our situations, the more we are actually conditioning ourselves to perceive and see the bad in everything around us.

You drop a plate. You can either think "accidents happen" or you can berate yourself for being clumsy.

Which one will produce positive results? Surely not the latter.

We are conditioned creatures looking for habits that will change our lives for the better, but we are not always thinking about which thoughts are turning into actions that are causing us to move away from who we are.

The Principle of Sowing and Reaping

Follow this equation: -
Sow a thought - reap an action.
Sow an action - reap a habit.
Sow a habit - reap a character.
Sow a character - reap a destiny.
In contrast, if we govern our thought life that little bit more by regularly challenging ourselves into realising whether our thoughts are adding to or taking from our lives, then I believe and declare we will continue to travel down a road we might not want to travel down.

So if you are constantly thinking of yourself as a failure, a loser and someone who nobody loves, then you will not be seeing the evidence within your life that directly contradicts and contravenes that information. By contrast, if you regularly tell yourself that you are loved, accepted and wanted then you are conditioning your mind to look at life in a healthier manner.

You will be able to respond affirmatively to the love that a new relationship is trying to cultivate.

You will be able to respond to somebody else's cries for help who maybe doesn't feel like they belong somewhere.

Am I making sense here? I hope so.

I'm just trying to help you to see that, from my own personal life experiences, the more you look for something, the more that you will find it.

Negative for negative.

Positive for positive.

I had to break away from the last church I went to because it was actually starting to stunt my growth in Christ and, given that this is all I'm bothered about today, it was a decision that was tough, but fair.

Final Thought

I've covered this subject before in multiple different ways, but that's because there's always something to be learnt from having the wrong perspective of our problems.

There is power in our perspective and the more we think we lack, the more that will translate into actual lack, whereas the more we come to terms with our all-sufficiency in Christ (Phil 4:13), the more we will associate ourselves with a winning attitude that will see us shattering the glass ceilings in our lives.



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