Hey everyone!
Two updates in a week? in two days?! Say what?!
My recent updates have been inspiring me to up my game because I have, admittedly, let it slide for long enough and there was only going to be so long that I was going to use grief as a reason little realising that the only way out is often through your circumstances. So if trying to write more is going to help elevate me even further then so be it, I'll commit the resources I can to do so.
I believe that life is only what you make of it so if you are living a life today that you are not happy with then you gotta ask yourself a question: -
What am I doing to change it? Am I doing anything? Or am I waiting for someone else to do something?
These questions, once answered, will help you paint a picture of the steps you need to take next. Never mind the bigger picture, oftentimes you only need focus on doing the next right thing to change your life...