Hey everyone!
Well, it's the first week after another birthday and I must say that, even though I feel like my home is in the valley just now, I can still see enough of the light to know that dawn is coming. The dawning of a new day of perspective shifting as I seek to follow Peter's advice when he instructed believers to continue their growth in Christ: -
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever! Amen. 2 Peter 3:18
This is a verse that has been repeatedly coming to mind at the moment as I remember that no valley experience is ever meant to be a permanent home for me; I am always meant to be transcending all circumstances to skate over the top of them. It doesn't mean I won't feel them, just that I am not meant to wallow in them so much that they end up becoming sinking sand to pull me under...
Grow, Then Continue Growing
I started using the Listening Space at my local Mind mental health service recently and I said at my latest appointment on Thursday that I seem to relate to a lot of things conceptually, which I kind of look back on and wonder if some of them are behaving as life rafts carrying me onto a greater truth on the other side of my struggle.
A lot of sayings I can grasp a hold of and, if there is scriptural truth behind them, then I'll try to weave them in the tapestry of my understanding so that when an issue crops up, the concept I've attached to it also arises like a float. All in a bid, I think, to stop me from letting myself wallow in self-pity overlong as that's the sure fire way to embrace depression on a deeper level. Some like to call depression a sign that you're thinking about yourself too much and, whilst it may look harmless on the surface, a saying like that, it can actually end up doing more harm than good unless the listener realises that it is just one opinion in a sea of many. I've heard it and it's why I can't talk to many people about my struggle. They don't get it.
I'm starting to talk about my struggle, to open up, but every day is a new day in trust especially when I think of how many times that trust was abused by the wrong people. You can label it as these people as "meaning well", but there's a saying here that's relevant: -
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
It's blunt but it's true. Especially when I think of the times when I've said something under the guise of being well meaning, only for it to blow up in my face. It became a thing said at the wrong time. It could have been the right thing said at the wrong time, but I don't always guarantee that because to imply that would be to say I think I always get it right.
I don't. Believe me!
My awareness is such that I often realise I get it wrong and if it is then it's usually spectacularly wrong.
Grace Does Much More Abound
But that's what God's grace is for; to remind me that even when I sin, He is still for me even when people aren't because of what I've said or done. I have come to realise that I have a lot of emotional wounds from opening myself up to the wrong people. A lot of those wounds have come at the price of these encounters which could have been avoided but weren't. All to give my testimony the sparkle it deserves when it comes to trusting in Jesus.
A song like this reminds me that my whole life's motto is meant to be one of trust in God no matter what because He's never failed me, He's ever-present to me and He'll never let me down.
Life is a journey. Like grief.
Grief is a journey that I never expected I would have to take but have, of course, come to realise that it comes to us all in the end. Whether that be in the form of a relationship break up, a death in the family, or the loss of a job. It all comes to everybody in the end.
Even the bad.
I could waste my time bemoaning my lot and wonder why this is happening to me, or I could make the most of the time I've got left to continue trusting in God and seeing what He ends up doing through me that never would have been possible had I given up too soon.
Final Thought
That's my challenge to you today; don't give up too soon.
You might be one more correct decision away from the destiny you've been dreaming of, the promotion you've been believing for or the spouse you've been desiring. Let your yes be the right yes to the right situation and you'll see wonders greater than your eyes have ever beheld before.
I know it's hard right now, it's hard for everybody. But keep going.
"I'm exhausted!" - you claim...
It's okay, resting in God will get you to your promised land as you learn to take things one day at a time, one step at a time if necessary and God will walk you through your situation.
But how do I rest??? -> Learn to say, more and more, "I trust You, God. Even though I don't understand what's going on right now. I trust You to work all things out for good."
It won't come easy, but God will reward your faithfulness to growing your faith in Him.
The scripture says that death's valley is only a shadow (Psalm 23:4) so if it looks dark for you today know that it is only a shade before greater things are coming your way. You will pass through it. Just. Keep. Walking.
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