Hey everyone!
Can you believe we're in the final quarter of the year? Already? I know for me it still feels like I'm running on an internal clock that still reads "summer" so I've been playing catch up this past few weeks trying to push my internal clock up-to-date again.
Such is the life walking through the grief journey, I suppose.
Today I want to talk about some of my goals for this blog in the run up to Christmas and beyond.
As always, in December will come my end of year review where I'll be celebrating all things entertainment that have impacted me this calendar year. The usual entries will feature from video games to movies and TV shows. Who knows, in years to come I may flip the script and create the antonym of my awards and celebrate some of the bad stuff too...
Beyond that, in the coming months heading into 2024 I'll be looking to officially restart my Off the Scale series in my illusive quest to one hundred. The book and film reviews will be continuing too.
Finishing the year strong is my only aim and that is why I'm trying to push to update my blog more frequently. Although that's only because I'm about to break my post record for 2020, my only year-end target right now. I long for the days when I can get back to hitting three figures' worth of posts per year but that's the target in the long term.
Meantime -->> L.I.F.E. G.O.E.S. O.N.
Until next time...
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