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23 October, 2014

Where Praise Is... Found

Hey y'all!

It's that time again where I kick off another series of posts, or musings, whatever your blogging slant is and tackle some issues that both I am facing and we all are collectively.

What do you think of when I mention the word praise...?

20 October, 2014

Where Praise Is - An Interim Musing...

Hey there, bro's!

In advance of my new series of postings entitled "Where Praise Is...", I thought I'd post a quick thought on something that's dropped into my email account this weekend...

16 October, 2014

A Dangerous Life - No Problem Is Insurmountable

This is the final in my "Dangerous..." series of posts so take heart and I hope you find this inspiring and thought-provoking as I did in writing it. TLP

Well, I'm still here...

No, but seriously folks, after the severity of my last post I thought it only right that I address some things that I've been reminded of since my last post...

13 October, 2014

A Dangerous Game - This Is My Confessional

This post comes on a somewhat melancholic note as I'm feeling probably about seventy percent of my usual self due to a cold I can feel coming on.


I must admit that life of late isn't as grand as it usually is because I've been letting stuff get inside my head that should stay firmly outside and I know that it is this that is causing me to walk around with a permanent feeling like a vice is gripping my head.

11 October, 2014

A Dangerous Mind

It's been a long time since I wrote on here, hasn't it, bro's?

I'm truly and honestly sorry for that and want you to know that it's not because I didn't want to, because I did, it's just that things have been chaotic at the minute.

Let me break it down for you...