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08 May, 2015

Nothing Changes Until YOU Do!

Whassup, bro's!

I'm sitting here, again, listening to Classic FM's Smooth Classics with a cup of hot chocolate, which is something I'm doing more and more often lately.

This is when I got to thinking, recently, about what makes me enjoy the things that I do; enjoy classical music, enjoy videogames & enjoy my own company more than most. I came to the conclusion, like others have said; that who I am today is a direct result of all the choices that I have made both good and bad over the course of my life.

As you know, I'm out of work at the moment and I recently shared with you a story of a certain gentleman who spouted negativity concerning where I'd likely be heading, Seetec, now that I have finished the Work Training Programme.

Well, I am glad I did not let that overriding negativity get in and control me these last two weeks because earlier today I met with and discussed the next steps for me as an active jobseeker. I've come a different route than other jobseekers; from Jobseeker's Allowance, into work, then out of it onto Universal Credit, meaning that they will be looking at ways to boost me back into work, be it courses, training or whatever.

So much for it being "like a concentration camp", huh? Anyways, attitudes like that cause more problems than solutions they find.

This naturally got me thinking that the chief culprit that dictates how well one will cope with situations is our own mindset going into them. You know the feeling, an exam pops up that you haven't studied for. A job interview turns up you haven't prepared for. As far as the latter goes, I don't prepare for interviews and I know that will surprise many because they think you need to prepare. I don't know. Maybe I'd be in work by now if I'd prepared for any interviews I've been to.

I just don't work like that. Sure, I'll look up difficult interview questions but I cannot rehearse them at home in front of a mirror, like someone once told me, I just don't work that way. Besides, you can guarantee that if you ask me the same question on two different occasions I am likely to give you two different answers. Not different in the sense that my 'no' turns into a 'yes', just the same answer worded differently.

Why do I do that?

I'm always thinking what I'm saying as I'm saying it, well, most times anyways, therefore when I'm faced with a situation like that different words might come to mind that better describe what I want to say. In other words, the second attempt might just be the one I should have gone with first time round.

What I'm saying is that simple adjustments made to the words I use can go from landing a swift blow to someone's confidence, or they can lift them up and shoot them past the ceiling.

The Moving Finger

There is power, therefore, in the words most of us are gifted with being able to express. So my advice is to choose carefully what you want to say before you say something you don't mean and end up regretting it.

I could have taken that spirit of negativity onboard when that guy told me what to expect, naturally it would have coloured my thinking and ideology going forward. Instead I chose not to and instead decided to trust God to work everything out in the way that He means to all along.

But what happened? I met up with an advisor and she told me that because I'd not been on Universal Credit for long, they would review how things have gone so far and look at what steps can be taken, as I've said, to change my situation around.

All it takes is one move of the finger of God to change my situation, bro's! After all, one finger wrote the ten commandments so it is that one figure I'm waiting & believing to write again, changing my situation around for the better.

Final Thought

One song kept me going throughout all of this and that was "Don't Believe a Word" by Thin Lizzy... just that line "don't believe a word", repeated over and over as though it was God's way of reminding me that I should not always put the emphasis on what someone says about my situation.


Because we can often end up taking on situations or mindsets that keep us chained up believing things will never change, when God is for change and looking to actively bring it about for us in our daily lives.

They will change, they always do and every situation, no matter good or bad, has an expiration date whether we would have it or not. So my question to you today is what are you going to do about the hand that you have been dealt? Are you going to gripe and complain about it or are you going to do something about it and change yourself?

"I'm not changing for anyone" is an attitude I've adopted over recent times and this doesn't help all the time as there are people wanting to help you, you've just got to be brave and willing enough to either search them out, or call out to them in order to get the help you need.

I did and now look at me, I'm heading back to the top, just like the cream! :-P

Until next time, bro's!

Peace off!

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