Whassup bro's!
It's been some time since I've asked this, so how's it going for you folks? I hope you're enjoying this 'ere blog of mine, because I'm having so much fun writing it, knowing that my opinions (whilst some dynamite) are maybe, just maybe, causing some of you to think twice about the way you see things.
I hope they are, I really do because that's what I'm here for, I'm here to 'be the signpost', such is my mission statement...
'The signpost for what, brah?' I hear you ask (well, if you're Duayne Chapman that is, lol!) and that's an easy one; JESUS!
Now I know that one word, that one Name can cause so many problems for so many people because either you don't believe in such a Name (save to curse tut-tut!) as in you either have no claim to faith ie. atheist or agnostic (and remember, I don't judge you for that, not at all chaps!), or you're from a different family of faith.
What I'm saying here can be summed up in another question; what are you living for? What is your driving force? Your purpose in life?
Is it to be the best that you can be for your friends/family/yourself? Or is it to get to 'the top' as fast as possible?
The reason I ask these things is that it helps to have a purpose in life, doesn't it? You know, something that you live for each day, something that gets you up in a morning ready to say 'hey world, I'm comin' thru so step aside!'. Well, what is it?
Go on, take a few moments to think about it, write it down even because it helps sometimes to have a mission statement, you know, in case you ever forget what it is you're living for!
I'll wait...
Are we done yet?
Nope is the answer for there's more to consider!
I've already declared my allegiance to the Son of God as I've mentioned countless times in this blog and you know what? I'm not ashamed to admit it, for it gives me the drive I need to get up in the morning and do what I do best, which is being ME!!!
I know that in my mission, spreading the Good News as it were about what it means to have Jesus in your life and live life to the full in the process, I am to be real and let people see the real me and judge for themselves whether this is something they want (irrespective of whether they need it or not) because He has the potential to change your life around no matter what you're going through.
You might look through some of these entries and say "bro', why should I listen to you because you're not exactly a model Christian, are you?' and you know what? I'd say 'you're right, you're frickin' right!'... why? Because I'm a work in progress growing ever more perfect each and every single day, just as my Maker intended for me to be when I accepted Him as Lord & Saviour of my life.
And why do I say that? Why do I say such blunt & honest things? Because I'm a new kind of Christian, I'm a Christian that's operating under the F.R.C. principality!
There is no cost to becoming a Christian, it's a gift from God for one and all who want it!
I'm not your average joe, I think we've established that by now, haven't we? So some of my ideals are radical, as in out of the ordinary for a Christian to think, but that's alright, that's because it's a life-changing thing becoming a Christian!
And you know what? What else am I living for? What other name/brand am I becoming that I'm not already?! A Christian under one Name indivisible where He ends and I begin is a very blurred line!
Final Thought
So, as I bring this entry to a close, I hope it's been challenging for you because I'm here to ask the questions others are not, or are too afraid to.
Why? For then I know I'll have to account for everything I've put on here, every single word spoken out of place, and I'll be able to say "I did the best I could with what You have given to me" and gain a share in heaven.
I'm not preaching hellfire and damnation to you all, because that's not what Jesus taught, is it? He taught about life not death, harmony not separation & love not hate!
Keep it real, k?
The Lanky Penguin
Welcome to the quirky dimension that is my journey as a Christian and fully devoted (just not perfect!) follower of Christ. Here you'll find out that, as a writer, there's next to nothing I'm not prepared to write about, including my faith. Prepare for a smash-mouth style to collide with colourful topics as I continue to blog into everything that God has called me to be. Do not adjust your monitors, there is nothing wrong with them, you have simply entered... The WRITE Dimension!
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