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28 March, 2015

The Road Goes Ever On and On

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.
Bilbo Baggins - The Lord of the Rings Book I

Let those words sink in for a moment before you read today's post okay?

There's much truth in them tharrr sayings, lol, that few can deny and I want to take this as a starting point to clear my head some more and let you in that little bit more to the epic-ness that is... my life!
I have to testify though that at the moment I'm on day three of a good day stint, which I'm taking comfort in for the moment because the road to recovery is a lot longer than I would care to admit were I being at all proud.

I've talked recently about the world of both the stingy and the generous along with what it means to praise your way through life.

Praise Begets Breakthrough

I remember a preacher once said "praise, begets the breakthrough" and it is this saying that, at the moment, is keeping me on the straight and narrow path. I am not telling you it's a magical formula for success, it's simply a way to get your head in the game as you start to realise that the life you think is so, um, dreary I guess you could say.

What does "praising", or learning to be thankful, have to do with your breakthrough?

It gets you in the right frame of mind to see the opportunities that come your way for you to "buy into", something I've covered in one of my posts recently also. It makes your eyes look around for that opportunity, that moment of clarity that you need to identify and grab a hold of before situations can change.

For me, it's jobsearching, I know I cannot sit here with thumb up a$$ (ED - pardon the expression!) waiting for jobs to come knocking on my door; I have to play my part too. What "playing my part" looks like is simple. I just have to keep looking and firing off applications here, there & everywhere in the knowledge that some day soon one of them will stick and come back with an interview.

So, taking into consideration that I cannot sit around and wait for chances to come my way, I have to go looking for them actively and it is this that oftentimes gets wearisome & trying when all I keep hearing is "unsuccessful" or "a more suitable candidate was found".

Therefore, like I've started today's posting: -
"I must follow, if I can, pursuing it with eager feet, until it joins some larger way"
There's simply no "maybe" about it, I have to follow that road and put one foot in front of the other in order to get into the land of the working. I set it up in the meantime with my speech by framing the world now that I want to live in eventually.

What am I doing? I'm setting myself up for future success by building the foundations upon which my tomorrow will be laid, today.

It's not hokum, it's simple really; in order to achieve the successful you, that you want to be come, you have to be willing to speak it out. You have to envision it, breathe it in until it becomes a very part of you, that way you're activating the belief that says "though I do not see it today, I'm expecting it to happen soon".

Setting Your Expectations Sets the Thermostat

In life you have to be willing to take a gamble every now and then, that is why I took the job at Domino's & whilst I might now call it garbage, I am more referring to the "zero hours" debacle that I was under whilst there.

My question to you today is simple and it is to see if you know where you are heading and, not only that, where your expectations are because if you expect little from life, you will get little in return.

Yes I know that tragedies come and go and take away what you've expected in the past, but today is always a new day for you to start afresh. God's cheering you on: -

I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of. John 10:10 MSG
Get on board with the movement that proves you can have a better life if only, like in Minecraft, you're willing to mine & build for it.

"Yeah, but bro..." you protest "It's not going to happen for me, you don't know what I've been through."


You're defeating yourself before you even started, pal!
"You can change your world by changing your words... Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue." Joel Osteen

Final Thought

As I wrap up this posting, let me tell you a little story and it goes back over five years ago when I was house-sharing with a friend of mine.

The moment I found out I was going to be made homeless, it kickstarted within me a new level of living because I had to see results if I was to find somewhere to live, I just had to!

I started to frame the world that I wanted to live in by setting up my expectations of not just anywhere to live, but somewhere specific in mind along with somewhere "just right" for me. It was not easy because I had never lived with the threat of homelessness hanging over my head before.

But I persisted...

I got what I wished for, so you really should be careful then, how you speak, because your words will always, always come back to find you.

Whether they reward or not, is entirely up to you!

Peace out!

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