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30 December, 2015

2015 - Leaving it Like I MEAN it!

Okay, dudes!

Here's a quick review of the year that I always try and do, but unfortunately last year I didn't get around to it, so to make sure I did this time around I'm actually writing this having just finished off my last devotional blog of 2015.

We're going to cover the things that have inspired me the most, along with some highlights of my year along the way, including the films and games that have made most of an impression upon me.

28 December, 2015

Unto God Be All of the Praise

Right-o, this is the last update of this year!

No seriously, it is, because next week's "60 Seconds..." and accompanying devotional will of course occur on the first day of 2016!

I can tell you for one thing; that I cannot wait to see the back of this year and my past because next year, I will be making a serious attempt to distance myself from the things and the people that tried to hold me back as I rush headlong into my life-changing destiny.

25 December, 2015

60 Seconds of Faith - Episode #0017

Merry Christmas everyone!

I hope you're all having a great time of year and I just want to let you all know that I'm wishing you all the best for this time of year because I know what it's like to be down especially when everywhere you look it's couples, couples, couples. It's probably the second most dreaded time of year for singletons, aside from Valentine's Day.

But do you think I'm defined by my marital status?

21 December, 2015

The Wisdom of Jonah

Then I said, 'I have been cast out of Your sight. Nevertheless I will look again toward Your holy temple'. Jonah 2:4 (AMP)

Here we are, another devotional and another chance to say my piece on an issue that's quite close to heart at the moment.

Don't ask me how I'm doing at the moment... just... don't!

I am not doing great, not at all!

I've repeatedly tried to address the situation surrounding my little 'crush' on here and multiple times I've pulled it because I was sharing things that I really should have been using discretion over.

But that's a digression, the matter at hand is Jonah...

18 December, 2015

60 Seconds of Faith: Episode #0016

Whassup everyone!

It is categorically so good to be back on form right now!

When I use the term 'back on form', it's simply a point that however you have seen me write recently, it's great to be back to how I was before all this 'crush' business set off.

I'll be honest, it's a bit like the blasted firework-that-looked-like-a-pretty-flower that went and blew up in my chest just as the shotgun blast did from last week's devotional that I posted!

This time, things are going to be completely different...

13 December, 2015

The Power of Church

This is one where I'm going to have to take my own advice.

Why? Because my little 'crush' situation went, to be completely honest, a**e over t*t.

I told you in my video that I'm back and if you for one minute think that I'm going to let any more head-space get rented out to that situation you're wrong, DEAD WRONG!!!

11 December, 2015

60 Seconds of Faith - Episode #0015

Hey everyone!

This has been a long time coming, hasn't it? :-)

I know that my broadcast has been on and off more than an average family house light lately, hasn't it? I've promised it's on, I've said it's cancelled... on, off, on, off...

But it's back and I'm back now so let's kick off episode #0015 with a very special video surprise!

05 December, 2015

Storm in a Teacup, or in Your Eyes

You've no doubt heard the expression to have a "storm in a teacup", meaning something akin to someone who makes out their situation is the end of the world for them, when it really isn't?

Well what I'm about to share soon will give you the chance to decide for yourselves if I too am overreacting, with the way my crush, as of this moment, has temporarily blown up in my face! :-o

As always, keep watching the skies, dudes!