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08 June, 2013

Playable Fun Stuff

Whassup bro's!

It's been a while since my last post on this here blog (well, a matter of days anyways!) so I figured I'd ping together another post and upload it for you all to let you know what I've been doing these past few days.

Let me say this from the off, those of you regular readers know that I've been looking for work for some time now and the latest update on that front, after countless non-entity agencies not even bothering to say that I've not been selected, I was put forward earlier this week for a position in Huddersfield, so we'll see what happens there...

Other than that, I've been finally able to get back in touch with the gamer within having spent more than enough time on the internet burning through my monthly bandwidth. As things currently stand I'm only a tad behind my daily limit, so that's cool, but it was high time I discovered (or re-discovered) just how much I enjoyed gaming once more.

Now, I once recently said to my family that I was considering selling my PS3 as the Blu-Rays I've got will only need me to invest in an associated player in response... until this week!

I'm currently blitzing my way through the various quests & stuff on Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim at the moment, savouring the magicka that is the various destruction & conjuration spells!

I think my favourite is my recently acquired "Fireball" spell because it's way too powerful when you're clearing out a dungeon, so just light it up and let it go down the corridor and watch the flesh fly!

Y'ah (sic!), that was until I going to complete the clearing out of one particular cave only to get part way across the field to hear an almighty roar, screen shake & whammo!

Fragged I almost get by fire... well, not fragged exactly as I ran hell for leather towards my destination, getting there just in time to turn around and saw that ugly mothertrucker spread it's wings as it hovered over me to try and toast me. I had no choice than to don my Dwarven boots of fire protection, hold up my Dwarven shield of fire-protection and just pray to Mara, Talos or to whoever the deity was that was going to be my save my sorry a$$ for pi$$ing off a dragon today!

Guess who had the last laugh though?! ME! I simply stepped backwards into said cave and away from the Elder dragon's clutches! HA! You suck and then some, bro'!

Wait though, this is where I thought I had the last laugh, because after clearing out the cave, I returned to the surface to find not one dragon, but two! One blocking my escape by flying to the north in a circle & the other to the south where I'd just come from!

I lost count of how many times I saw the all-too-familiar Bethesda message of "you cannot fast travel when enemies are nearby" that evening! I hated Fallout 3 (well, okay, maybe 'hated' is a tad too strong a word to use... only a tad imo) because of that, well and because I just thought it was a plain sucky game... but that's digressing!

Desperately I tried to conjure (sic!) up a strategy that would allow me to escape as they were flying and it wouldn't take many spells for me to give away my position... until I thought "ah, the hell with this!" (you cannot believe how many games/objectives I've completed using that tactic!) and ran far enough away from either of them that 'fast-travel' became an option again!

Story time's over now, kiddies!

Needless to say, I shall tread ever more carefully when I step into the wilds of Tamriel again, that is for sure!

With that little escapade concluded, I decided to call it quits there and quit whilst I was ahead, because I've taken on enough dragons now to know when not to push my luck!

What else? Ah yes, I today picked up NASCAR '09 and had a quick play of that before Knightmare came on Challenge (which warrants a post all on its own and I'll do that soon, I promise you because that will allow me to go all retro on your a$$es, bro's)!

I was going to post some thoughts on that game, but we are at a place where a 'complete temporal disruption is approaching, time is now the enemy'... so I shall leave it here.

Until next time...

Peace out, bro's!

The Lanky Penguin

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