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01 June, 2013

Turning the Crank

Well, here we are, back where normality can resume... one can hope!

Let me give you a brief rundown of all that's happened since my last posting of a non-review aura...

Do you remember that time I mentioned about a "lady" that I met from the internet? Well, it seems that, having had no response still (despite my best efforts and attempts at patience to leave her with time and space, lol!) now two months later, that maybe romance was not on the cards in the first place! :(

Now that hit me really, really hard at first because I thought somehow this one would be different (given the less-than-raging-success I've had in the past in this department). I, like others before me & surely after me, struggled an awful lot with feelings of depression, which I'd say is unlike me to get so wrapped up over one person. But in reality it proved to me how much I'd grown to care about this person because, even though we'd only met up the once I thought we'd clicked damn-fine-splendid and I was surely interested in getting to know her more and more!

Given that I have not exactly a wealth of experience to draw from, needless to say it made the revelation that she's likely not going to contact me again now is certainly a downer. How wrong can one bro' be, huh?

After that I started a course in "Mood Mapping" thanks to a book I'm reading at the moment from the library, as I was sure that the life I was leading did not have to be like this, more down's than up's (even though it's sometimes like that and that is a fact!). I'll be honest, at my worst, it left me feeling like I was being swallowed from the inside out by a black hole consuming me into all hopeless & helplessness such as it were.

I'm on "Day 8" of this course now and it's due to run for another 7 days so we'll see what else I get out of this as so far I've covered stuff like how food can impact and change your moods (come on, you know the sayings about coffee & chocolate, don't you?) along with your surroundings and relationships.

I'll keep y'all posted bro's because I'm sure you don't wanna see me suffer (even though I do wish at times for those to suffer for their wrongs!) so that I can get back to full awesomeness, lol!

Final Thought

What I've learnt then, over this past couple of weeks, is how low I can get as a bro' is much lower than I ever thought possible but that's only when I look at the problems I face!!!

So at this point, I should practice what I preach right and look at the Solution rather than the problem?!

Same goes for you, bro's because remember, wherever you are, whatever you're facing, you're much luckier to be there than you ever thought possible for some don't have what you have, some cannot do what you do!

So 'be the best' at what you do and you cannot go too far wrong!

Peace out!

The Lanky Penguin

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