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24 June, 2013

Remote-Controlled Feelings...

I'd start of this post today by asking if you've ever had one of those days... but then it would detract from the meaning of this, my latest post on such a day where it's not so much a rant as a self-affirmation that I'm seeking to express.

Coming at a time where I'd quite honestly lost all hope in the goodness of humanity (but then that was only because I'd been sh@t on as far as the no-go with the 'lady-friend' of mine I've spoken of!) and wondered when things would ever change.

Until I got to a point where I thought 'surely it doesn't have to be like this, bro!'...

As you know by now, I go to Audacious Church on a regular occasion each week (so this gives you an idea where this post is headed!) and what can I say but express how, frankly, my walk of late has been beset by 'hand-grenade' moments designed to blow apart the way I used to think, operate and even feel, leading me to realise that yes indeed, there is more to life than being the same person all the time.

Have you ever had that feeling where you were sure that you were meant for more, for so much more, yet somehow it felt comfortable, easy even to behave & react the same way almost because you've always done life that way?

I know I for one have and being irrevocably changed from the Brotherhood Conference like I have, I knew that I was being fast-tracked to greatness, given that I was borne for this kind of thing and that's a damn FACT!

Well, to get back on point to what I'm talking about today, I was at the service, sitting front & centre as I prefer to at my 'home away from home' where the worship just blows away any lethargy I may have when I arrive at the door in the morning (never mind 'everybody's starry-eyed... try everybody's blurry eyed, lol!).

I could go on and talk about the message, but suffice it to say it was awesome so listen to it and you'll see what I mean!

After the service had finished I was talking to the bro' next to me, a guy called Emmanuel (I'm not sure if I've spelt that right because there are other ways) from London who'd come up to see the church that his daughter goes to whilst she was at university. Anyways, he says to me after the service that he felt compelled by God to bless me and... and... he handed me a wad of crisp notes, bro's... that's both fly and dope!

I'm not going to reveal how much the donation to the 'bro-fund' was, because that's for my eyes only, but needless to say I bloomin' well knew that things were on the up for me... I've even got a request to meet up from another sprightly young lass called... HA! Did you honestly think I'd blow her cover just yet?! We've not even met for the first time yet foo's!

Why? I knew there was more ways than just 'the norm' (as in fly off the handle when things go wrong, lol!) to behave with when I'm beset by problems.

This all clicked together (for the umpteenth time I must add!) earlier on last week when I was sat outside my flat reading 'Titan' by Ben Bova (an interesting book I may just review in due course) enjoying the sunshine. When relaying said incident to my father & our mate John on the Wednesday I told them that 'no matter what I'm facing, whether it's sunny or not, God is more than enough for me'.

So, that being said, I am left revelling in the fact that not only have I got the ideas flowing for a business that I'm starting up in due course bro's (the next appointment with my advisor is coming up this Thursday, so I'll post on here the reaction!), but I'm also due to meet a lovely sounding lady from the same site I met my bestie on last year along with this sizeable donation to the 'bro-fund', which allows me to figure out how best to invest it (for to spend is to waste, when I'd rather invest it wisely!).

Things are looking up for me, bro's so thank you kindly for those that believe in prayer enough to pray for a complete stranger like me.

To quote Stereophonics: -

"There's no mistake, I smell that smell, it's that time of year again, I can taste the air!"

Make of that what you will, bro's, I for one am always believing in better and then this happens!

Coincidence? There's no such thing!

Peace out, bro's!

The Lanky Penguin

PS. There's one more thing I want to say to you all, for being such loyal readers, lol! Great song, got the album on Friday and the bro' is freakin' class!

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