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18 July, 2013

And We Have A Weiner! - My Business Ideology

Well, this is a remarkable slice of good fortune!

Having just finished my research into what fellow competitors are doing for my business idea that you've no doubt heard me mention on a couple of occasions recently, I was pleasantly surprised, no, rockin' to find that the competitors are few because what I am trying to do, no one else has tried before me (well, not in the way I want to do it anyways, bro's!)...

Do you honestly think I'm gonna tell you what it is? Are you havin' a giraffe, mate?! I'm not having some two-bit thief nick it from my very mind, the genius-concept mind, lol!

I'm sure the sceptics will be hearing that and laughing all the way down their sleeves, but it's true and in time the whole world will come to see that, lol!

I still remember to this day how a week or so ago I was walking around the park and a true 'Eureka' moment happened where I thought 'that's the idea I'm gonna follow and see where it goes!' and I was left reeling with the news that it was not going to be all that hard to set up. I just had to know what needed setting up and how to go about it along with a quick check on my competitors.

It turns out I do have them... if I want to offer what they are offering (naturally!), but what I'm looking for takes the hassle out of the do it yourself brigade and says 'you know what? I'm gonna pay someone else to do it for me!'.

This is especially true if they are tactically inept to do what I'm offering, or just plain can't be bothered (either could be the case, I don't care as I'm laughing all the way to the bank, lol!).

Thanks be to God then, for giving me the inspiration for this idea that I want to see off the ground and, as the Wright brothers did for flight, this I will do for memories; I will get them off the ground!

Watch this space then bro's, because as the Empire grows, so they will come...

Peace out!

The Lanky Penguin

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