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13 July, 2013

Pushing Life To Its Limits

Whassup peeps!

It's that time where I bring to the table all that has been going on since my last life update, so here goes as I sit down with my second cup of decaf coffee of the evening...

The first thing I will say at this point is that I am still not hanging my head in shame over how my last meeting went with the lovely lass I told y'all about a couple of weekends back. Instead Man Of Steel was a superb distraction.

This weekend it was supposed to, as regular readers'll remember, be me going to see Despicable Me 2 with Steve Carell (no, not literally with him, though wouldn't that be cool, bro's?!), but I got a better offer, an offer from my parents to go visit Blackpool for the day.

Now whether the two stack up and compare is another matter entirely I just figured 'hey bro', it's a chance for you to have something to do for three weekends in a row'... something that doesn't come around very often, I assure you, lol!

As it turned out this was a fantastic decision as although my nephew, Evan, wasn't with us, his mother (my sister) was and we had a fantastic time just strolling around looking at the shops of note there (not those damn superstores because if I haven't told you I can bloody well do that when I'm at home, exactly what the rest of my family think too!), seeing the souvenirs that one can buy to cheese someone off, or not, depending on their sense of humour. I think that the best thing that I saw was a mug depicting the best way to enjoy a spliff, lol!

Now before you get hoity-toity with me, as a Christian, and say that I 'shouldn't say that' or 'shouldn't even go there', your grounds are not my grounds that I walk on!

Whilst I'm not saying that I condone those that smoke it, I am saying, to take out of context an Alice In Chains song, "it's your decision". I know my stance on the whole drinking & smoking aspect of life and I stand by it 'til the day I die (I only drink with food & don't smoke anything of any kind!), I can see why people often turn to one, the other or both when handle a rather bum deal in life.

You've already seen how I handle those times in my life, so you'd do well to hold off on any judgements until you've met me, lol! ;)

Anyhoos, again I digress...

The day out itself was fab, the weather was great, hottest day of the year or not, it clocked in at 25 degrees up in Blackpool, which was good (though I was still recovering from a rather severe bout of heatstroke from the preceding day and that was caused by my just walking into town to pay the rent & visit my local library for fricks' sake!), though I have been there when it's not been so hot but been frickin' cold from the sea breeze, naturally!

All in all, it was a welcome chance to earn some quality time with my family (bar my nephew who by rights is a tad obsessed with his videogames at the moment, preferring those to being out in the sunshine!) and have some quality food. I went for a full English breakfast, the size of which daunted even me at first until I figured, like last time, it'd sensibly feed me the whole day through. Before we came home I, on feeling peckish, went for a jacket potato with baked beans - quali-TEE!!!

No final thought today, as it's not from the genius concept that is my mind, lol, just a friendly reminder that whatever you do whilst this heatwave lasts in the UK, make the bloody most of it else risk wishing you had when it turns sour!

Peace out!

The Lanky Penguin

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