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04 July, 2013

Livin' It Like I Mean It...

Here's a quickie update on the whole personage front...

This weekend I'm off to see the new Superman film; Man of Steel, so in due course afterwards I shall write up my review for this highly anticipated Zack Snyder affair, because I have high hopes for this one, brah! ;)

Other than that, I suppose you are all wondering how I'm doing after another failed attempt at finding love online...

Don't worry your little selves over that, bro's, because this is one bro' who never gives up, he's never gonna lie down, he's never gonna sit down until he's found what he's looking for... that gamer girl who'll share many a night with laughs galore as they wile away the hours playing videogames (and just enjoying each other's company of course, bro's cos there's more to me than GamerCook!) and chatting about all sorts of stuff!

Why open myself up like this, bro's? Because I believe in love and in finding it for myself, so have set myself a new challenge: -

Instead of feeling stabs of regret over what is not every time I see a couple, I am now decreeing that I shall offer a simple thought of thanksgiving that I see for each and every loving couple.



Because in doing this I am keeping myself reminded of the simple fact that there is someone out there for me and for every girl that says no, then that just means that the one who says 'yes' is gonna be one special lady!

To quote that song from Michael Buble... I 'just haven't met you yet'... but I will, oh how I will; you're gonna blush, I promise you, hon'!

A$$holes away! ;)

S.R. Cook

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