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12 July, 2013

Belief - It All Starts At Home

Whassup bro's!

Well, this has certainly been an entertaining six months so far this year, hasn't it? Who'd have thought I'd still be here, writing reviews, or just in general churning out my opinions on all sorts of subjects?!

I can't even say 'not me' anymore, because I totally knew I was onto something when I started this blog. I didn't want it to set me apart at first as something that it's not. I wanted it to be about giving me the chance to make my own voice heard about the subjects that matter to me. As you've guessed by now the chief interest of mine is motor racing of all kinds, from BSB, to MotoGP, to F1... whatever it is, I'm interested however many wheels it runs on!

Whether I'll follow my team in the world of football this year is another matter entirely, because though they did have a £30m bid for Luis Suarez turned down by his club, they do need to spend to get back amongst the big-time or else risk being also-ran's and not-quite's.

I digress...

Getting back on point, I am left at a time like this when the momentum, the fire for my first ever business venture is gaining ground, gaining momentum faster than I ever imagined, I want you all to take a look at this video for a minute.

This is a guy, Markiplier (his Youtube screen-name), whom I am subscribed to on Youtube, which is one of my only interests now that I've sacked FB off a couple of years back. Apart from some truly hilarious commentaries on the games he plays, I find his opinions worthy of note.


Simple, because just listening to the way he talks when he speaks of what he is passionate about, it comes across and reminds me to always be believing in myself just as keenly!

Lending an ear to a friend can be one way of expressing your care for that person, or just simply being there in their presence without saying many a word (like I've done lately when hanging around outside my flat with my neighbours), you begin to realise that there's far more important things to concern your time with, as you look around your own neighbourhood, never mind your home town.

For me, it becomes all the more imperative to always be seeking those opportunities to help my fellow man (or woman, lest I accused of having a gender bias, lol!) be the best and see the best that he or she can!

I never for one minute thought I'd be starting up a business this year, but things have just progressed and proved to me that whatever I do I can succeed at as long as I'm willing to put the time and the effort into everything that I do!

Sure, I've become known as 'the bro who sits on his step reading books' in my neighbourhood, but that's fine, that's okay because at least I'm around when they're passing to at least let onto and say 'hey' etc...

What I'm saying here is that everything has a start point and that start point comes, as Markiplier says, "when you believe in yourself", so I want you to go away today, having read this as another week closes towards a weekend and have a think about how you yourself can make someone else benefit from your time, your love and your efforts.

Water the garden for a neighbour? Who knows...

Reach out to someone you once knew back in the day but have since drifted away from? Worth a shot...

The point is, get your eyes looking outside of your life and towards those around you, for the need is there, you've only got to look for it.

Final Thought

"My final thought then" as Jerry Springer used to say, is going to be one of an imploring nature that if we can begin to look outside of our own four walls for just five seconds, I guaran-damn-tee you will see something that you can meet in terms of helping your fellow man.

It can be easy when life gets us wound up and when the chips are down to look inside ourselves, to retreat into our own little world, but DON'T DO IT!!!

Let's look out for one another and help when and where we can, for I know that we, each and every one of us, have the potential and the drive to succeed at what we do as long as we're willing to put in the time and effort to see it done!

Peace out!

The Lanky Penguin

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