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02 January, 2016

A Breath for a Life

Welcome everyone, to the first "60 Seconds..." devotional of 2016!

This one is going to start off hard and is only likely to get harder to read, so if you're unsure how much you can take, turn away now!

It's going to take some probably unexpected twists and turns as I unpack the first issue that I feel necessary to unpack going into this, a brand new year...

I'm typing this with some Robin Thicke on my phone blaring right besides me and, regardless of what you think of my taste in music, I'm in a bit of a quandary at the moment.

You see, not so long ago I admitted that there was someone I was particularly fond of at my church. I'd been trying to get her to agree to come bowling with me and some of the other peeps that I know, until it went south and I received "that" speech!

You know? The one I said I've only ever heard when it's not been 'let's be friends'...

The problem that I'm facing is that there is clearly something more going on here than I think that even I am aware of (as in, this is not just a straight up no, so I'm giving her some space for now to work out whatever it is that she really feels) and, as I've said before, I bear her no ill will for saying that.

But it doesn't stop me feeling angry, hurt & upset, does it?

I have had, since that time some of the most ridiculous advice that I have heard in a while as one person (no, wait... two people!) I told in strict confidence said not to "become too emotional".

Love, Love, Love, Love, Crazy Love

Okay, so what do I do if I feel that this person, without them knowing it, has driven me crazy without even doing anything specific?

Does that say that I need to get a grip of my emotions?

Well let me tell you a little story then, because it's been around two years... two frickin' YEARS since I last dared to open up my heart to someone and she said the, no wait, she just up and disappeared, lol...

Am I creating a trend here? Am I becoming some kind of social monster?

When I started asking those questions I knew that it was out of line to even imply that upon myself because I, like so many others, am a child of the Almighty God!

You see... as dead as this situation might look on the face of it... I know how this all ends and that is what is driving me up the wall because I want to share it, I really do!

I know it looks presumptuous if I tell you that I know how this all ends. But that's how God works so many times; He will let you be tested towards the end of what you think you can bear, be right there with you in the testing and see you right through to the other side!

I think in the past of situations that I have convinced myself are dead, they've proved that they were dead and in many ways, I'm glad that they died the way that they did.

But in this case, in the case of my little crush, I want to know this person better, that is all!

I want to get to know her and see what happens and I realise some might think I shouldn't even be writing about this like this, so why should I "let it go" as two of those suckers tried to tell me to do so?

Let's be honest, there are some people out there who would try to sabotage me and my dream simply because I know, that I know, that I know that I have an !Audacious bride coming really soon!

You see, to some people, the fact that I have a dream (to quote someone famous, sic!) is enough of a threat to others that don't simply because I have purpose and direction and they would like nothing more than to keep me on mediocrity.

What did I say to you? I am more than human!!!

I am not settling for a mediocre life anymore, bro's!

Remembering in the Wrong Order

The Doctor in a recent episode of Doctor Who that I watched compared the act of having a premonition as simply "remembering in the wrong order".

Do you know that I think he got that spot on?

The more time that you spend with God and in His presence (which is everywhere, by the way!), the more He will begin to open your eyes and let you see things that can happen, not always what will.

He will do this to see your reaction because you can either baulk at it, call it impossible and thus stop it from happening that way, or you can embrace it like I have done and have your whole world shaken up!

I have done, I've seen my future and boy does it look good and if that is what can happen then let me go on record as saying that I am ALL IN!!!

Joel Osteen in his book "I Declare" has got me thinking about where I want my life to go in the next five years because he advises that, in order to find that out, you just simply have to listen to the words that you are saying today.

I know how my story ends; I meet the girl of my dreams, get married, have a couple of kids and... well, that's enough for now!

I realise that in saying that I've got "tunnel vision", it looks like I might have been saying it about this person I've got the crush on. Be that as it may, I'm simply referring to the vision that I've got when it comes to finding my !Audacious bride; I will get her, whoever she turns out to be!

Do you feel me? God has told me so, and no man, woman or child is going to stop me from believing in it, in Him!

Dead Coming Back to Life

Are you getting my point yet? You have got to have a "never say die" attitude when it comes to your situations, all of them!

In showing God that you believe even if something looks dead you'll still believe He can bring it back to life can be enough for the miraculous to begin happening!

God sees your faithfulness in still showing belief even after death and goes to work: -
Jesus replied, "There are twelve hours of daylight every day. During the day people can walk safely. They can see because they have the light of this world. But at night there is danger of stumbling because they have no light." Then He said, "Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but now I will go and wake him up." John 11:9-11
You see, Jesus' plan all along was to show that even when people die, the power of the Almighty can still reach to them and bring them to a condition better than they were in before, which for Lazarus was a damn sight of an improvement compared to his present predicament... DEATH!!! :-D

So the fact that I read this, the fact that I believe this, and the fact that I know how my little story ends, is that proof enough that I'm recognising my frail human understanding when it comes to matters of the heart?

What I'm saying is that, in this, I recognise that God has a plan for me, it is a good plan and someone will very soon be sharing in that plan. I also recognise that I cannot be expected to figure it all out on my own because my human thoughts just cannot comprehend how much detail is at work in God's plan.
"My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts," says the Lord. "And my ways are bar beyond anything you could imagine..." Isaiah 55:8 (NLT)
Call it "jiggery-pokery", "hocus-pocus", call it whatever you like, I call it Truth! ;-)

Final Thought

In closing then, let me remind you that no matter how dead your relationship looks, your work project feels, or your heart seems, God can always, always bring "greatness out of a great mess, to quote Joel again, bro's!

I know how my love story ends and, though it feels like it at the moment, my heart is not dead, she is well and truly alive and beating for that day when she hears the response from her partner!

Watch the skies, as always!


Again, the blog logo hasn't been created yet, but it will be for next week, I promise you!

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