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07 January, 2016

I Am Stu-tacus V: Pushing On No Matter the Cost!

Hey bro's!

It's time for another one of my life updates!

I know that, recently, my devotionals have sort of been fusing with these updates of mine and that has in part been accidental but also in part been intentional. I want you all to know that, whether you like it or not, it is perfectly okay to not be okay sometimes!

People might tell you to 'grow up', or to 'give up' or to 'man up' when it comes to facing your life's problems, but I'm here today to let you know that you can be down sometimes.

It's perfectly natural, in fact...

Pushing Through to Potential

Nobody, I don't care who you are, can be such a positive Peter/Penny all the time because life has a funny habit of throwing curve balls that you weren't expecting.

What you have got to do is remember that nobody has the right to tell you any of those things. Sure, they think they do, but the problem is that they are not running your race and the moment you let them into your head, you get all fu... messed up and start believing their lies.

With the greatest respect, there is one particular person who from now on will be stricken from my inner circle because he tried to imply that my whole life was somehow being messed up and it wasn't by this crush...

Who does he think he is, right?

I know I shouldn't take it personally, I really do but when you leave a conversation thinking your whole life is screwed up and then stop for a minute to realise that you've come damn far for someone of your calibre, you know something is wrong.

Whether or not he meant it like that is something I will endeavour to find out when I confront him about it soon. As things stand, I cannot bear to speak to him right now for fear I might just kick his proverbial, lol!

I jest.

Or do I? :-P

I Wanna Know the Truth, No More Lies

Anyways, realising that you've come through many trials and are still standing, which is more than can be said for some people, is certainly a God-send because it shows me that the fighting spirit I always knew I possess, proves that when the chips are down I will fight not flee!

So why does this song feel so appealing right now?

I could ask at this point whether it is only natural to say you want to run away from your issues, but I already know the answer. This is another reality that I've faced over this last month; the fact that I do want to run away, leave my church behind and start afresh somewhere.

But that's not the right question to be asking, is it?

It's more like "is it right"?

To answer that, I can simply say that I believe, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that my destiny is linked into what !Audacious Church is doing.
"So why the confusion then? Just go back to how you were before this all kicked off, TLP!"
I knew you would come up with that and, having gone for the 12pm service on Sunday past, I know I'll be aiming for the same this coming weekend too because the time has got to come where I stop talking about my problem and start talking about my solution; God!

But haven't I been doing that??

I already said that I know how this all plays out, don't ask me how, because I'll just tell you that God has given me a sneak preview of the ending already.

I'm just frustrated that it's not here yet, but didn't I say recently that when God speaks, the rotations of the Earth have just got to catch up with what He's said!

In other words... look, if you really needed me to explain what I've just said then, I'm sorry, you've not been paying enough attention!

I know what God is doing and spinning for me the most amazing love story I could ever imagine, to rival that of Tristan & Isolde, Romeo & Juliet etc etc, is just the beginning of a much larger destiny that I am inescapably heading towards!

Final Thought

So take my words as comfort for your situation because if you'll just do like I did, with tear-stained eyes tonight, offer up your situation, your secret desire or whatever it is that is troubling you, and watch God go to work on your behalf!

I heard it said from Lakewood Church recently: -
"Do what you can and leave God to show up and do what you can't."
I couldn't have said it better myself, folks!

Watch the skies!


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