This issue has been bugging me all day so let me get it off my chest...
"Oh no!" you're probably thinking and you'd be right because you all know by now that this blog is my vent, my release valve to unleash some of the pressure that's been building up inside!
It goes like this, last night I was at a meeting with a church I am involved with once a month in Limeside (which I'm sure I've mentioned before!) to discuss how the new format for their family friendly service is working out.
Now, before you say anything, I will not mention names, just my thoughts on the matter at hand and you can see which tree I'm barking up, whether it's the right or the wrong one for yourselves.
It would appear that feathers are getting ruffled in that people clearly are not used to change or different ways of doing things (or, and this is closer to the truth I think, some people who are advanced in years clearly have more say than they should simply because of who they are!). What do I mean though? I cannot make a case if I'm not willing to be more specific, right?
Well, without being present last night, the ringleader left us with some notes of her thoughts so bear in mind that what I am about to say has not been put into full context yet.
On occasions in the past I have been given the opportunity to speak on said f.f. (read family friendly) services and to great effect I might add. Simply because I only ever mean to bring the truth from the Bible and nothing more, no guess work at what it means, just read out the passage and then unpack the truth from within those verses.
Sometimes I can continue for, say, twenty to thirty minutes when on top form accompanied with visual aids. What I discovered from last night's meeting is that some people clearly do not like that form of a church service bringing into question their attention span.
It was mentioned in said notes that 3-6 minutes is more than enough time for talking on any given theme (the services are themed you see) and you know what that reminds me of? A short attention span if you cannot concentrate on what someone says via visual aids (powerpoints etc) for more than the amount of time it takes to warm your dinner in the microwave, lol!
No, I don't joke about this for this is a deadly serious matter, it shows right where people are at if comments like that have been made along with a side note mentioned of us being 'worship leaders' and not 'preachers'. I'm a hybrid, bro's (but that's for another post lol!), if you haven't already figured it out, as I clearly have a calling for not only music but also speaking the truth into people's lives!
Also, I'll add that people like that are screwed if they come to my church... 47 minutes on average our messages are, lol, they're all with so much power it's captivating from minute one to minute last!
Yes, I have taken this rather personally to an extent because I have been one of those people that comments like that are clearly aimed at, you don't have to be a genius to work that one out bro's!
The last time it happened was when I was leading a theme and had to resort to plan 'B' as plan 'A' went south during the service...
So, with all that being said, I cannot help but wonder how people like that can expect to progress, grow stronger in their faith, if they are not willing to listen to the Bible being unpacked for as long as it takes for the truth to go off like hand grenade! THEY WON'T & IT WON'T!!!
This then, as always, leads me onto a question I always ask myself in situations like this: -
"Am I better off out of there?"
I ask this one on the basis of the fact that it's clearly more productive to be where you are appreciated. Take a look at what's going down at !Audacious Church in Manchester, I've been involved with the Resources/Car Park team now for just about a month now and have almost completed the Creative Academy for joining up with the worship team... I must be doing something right, right? ;) Click-click-click, go those pieces into place!
Before I answer the above question I have to say that there's no point in running away from something because, if it's God's will, then it will come back around, right back around to the same decision days/weeks/months/years later!
I'm living this out right now as the last time I had a chance to be a part of the worship team at !Audacious I ran off, thinking it was the right thing to do yet here I am, running full circle!
Just like Jonah...
So the question has to be not "am I done with that place?" more "do I want to learn the lesson first time over, rather than second?"
Spleen vented, rant over!
Thank you for listening... who knows, maybe I'll turn these into podcasts one of these days!
Peace out!
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