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14 May, 2013

Brotherhood 2013 Pt Three - As For Me & My House

Okay, so here's the final part of my Brotherhood 2013 experience at Audacious Church!

The afternoon, after the segment I've detailed in the previous post involving a group of the women from Audacious Church enlightening us bro's 'what a woman wants', was what they called the 'Wild One' because literally anything could happen as prayers were brought, songs were sung and the Spirit of God moved in such a mighty, mighty way that afternoon!

It allowed me a perfect chance to relate to myself what exactly I was fighting for in this relationship-that-is-not-yet-one experience I'm currently going through and a spark flew up in my mind that reminded me that I was doing this precisely to prevent an experience later on down the line if we were to meet again, me & my lady friend (whoever & wherever she is, bro's!), and wish we'd have gotten together sooner (this song expresses it perfectly!) only for now to be too late as too much has happened and too much time passed. You know the feeling, you meet, don't get together so drift apart and then some years down the line you bump into each other only now one or both of you are in a relationship so there's no WAY the two of you could get together now.

The evening itself was supposed to have been another message from Ps. Neil Smith...

It didn't turn out that way!

I am telling you now, that evening it was as if God, already on scene, turned his Spirit potency up to "11" and waited to see what Neil would do... sensibly he put the brakes on his message so that the Spirit could move for people in whatever way they needed. For me, it was a fresh revelation of what it means at this very moment, to be a single bro' in Christ and a fresh commitment to the purposes of God for this next season whilst I transition out of my "40th day" scenario and into the life that is going to see me start a family (who knows, maybe even a biiig one too given what I spoke of in yesterday's review, lol!) in due course.

I see looking at this, I see it all the time, that to the outsider it looks like the ramblings of either a madman (which I will not comment on at this time, lol!) or someone who's convinced themself that something will happen when there's no 'proof' to the natural eye. This is where "walking by faith" comes into it and to say that I am supercharged in my faith now is an understatement after Brotherhood, for it was truly great to get in an environment of men getting together to worship the One, True God like I'm called to in John 4:23 (though putting the verse in full context, Jesus is asking for the Samaritan woman's views on 'worship')...

So, to call my interpretation on this a 'rambling' is a misnomer because, unless you were there, you cannot fully appreciate what happened to me that day, how I feel like I'm now walking through the wreckage of my life, the ruins of my life of all the stuff that was of use to me, that now no longer is useful!

It's like a nuclear bomb has gone off and destroyed, decimated everything that once was of value to me, but now no longer can be because God is calling me on to much greater and bigger things!

I have broken through into a new season with God and will do whatever it takes to stay here for faith like this is truly revolutionary, it is radical and it is free for anyone to experience that wants it! Hence my "drop like a hand grenade" attitude I'm cultivating again!

One of the many snippets of phrases that I'll remember from Ps. Neil is the moment he kept repeating "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" quoting from the book of Joshua as it was something I felt had fallen by the wayside in my own personal declarations of faith-filled living in my flat.

I told my dad later on that evening that I shall never be the same again after Brotherhood and I meant every word of it!!!

So I'll definitely be looking to get to next year's Brotherhood conference in March 2014 and all because the experience was worth it... I went there with my hopes up high and my expectations elevated and God saw this, met me where I was at and supercharged me to that "genetically superior form of Christian man" that I spoke of in part two of my review!

You can too, as long as you're open and willing to all that God's doing!

Final Thought

Remember then, whatever you're doing, whatever you're going through right now, there is a reason for all seasons that you are going through and in time, if you're looking in the right places for your answers then you will see the why's and the wherefore's of such events!

Invest in your future, bro's, "pay it forward" from now on so you're creating for yourself an undoubtedly better future than the here and now the right way!

Until next time, bro's!

Peace out!

S.R. Cook
aka The Lanky Penguin

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