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13 May, 2013

Brotherhood 2013 Pt Two - Talking Like An Ass & What a Girl Wants But Might Not Get

Okay so part one of the review of this year's Brotherhood Conference at Audacious Church has been concluded so here's part two!

The next point I want to look at is, again, a point that Ps. Neil Smith made regarding the story of Balaam and the talking donkey (go on, read Numbers chapter 22... I dare ya!).

See? I told you there was a talking donkey, HA!

He made the point that sometimes on your journey you might think that stalling tactics are the Enemy's tactics as he tries to stop you from achieving all that you are called to be...

Not always so, bro's!

Look at it another way, a question to believers now, how many times have you been beset by circumstances only to look back and think 'actually, it is a good job I did not go down that route as it wouldn't have ended well?', if you're like me, you can probably list a handful of those examples.

So for once to turn the usual thinking of where you are when you're under attack most is likely to be where God wants/needs you to be at any one point, or moment, in time into 'wait a minute... this could very well be God's doing as He protects me from something I'm never even meant to go through!'... it's not even comfortable reading, is it?

I know I for one have invested quite a lot into the thinking above only to be struck straight between the eyes by the revelation that God, in blocking me from doing/saying what I shouldn't do/say, is in actual fact His way of making sure that I head toward my calling and not further away from it.

So, with that being said, is there some aspect of your life that you find no progress is being made? Could it be that it is God that is trying to get your attention and instead of griping "why is this happening to me?!" turn to God and say "God, why is this happening to me?" - given that there's a reason for every season, make it known to God that you want to know what His will is for your problem area and watch what happens; you may just be pleasantly surprised!

Now, onto the subject that I'm sure a lot of you will be wondering what pearls of wisdom I'll come out with... what women want!

A group of select women from within the congregation of Audacious spoke up on all matters of what women look for in a man (or in this case, what they look for) to the taboo subject for some in this world... "SEX"!

You know what? Not a single one of them professed the true importance to them of superficial things like "a six-pack" or even "Tony Stark-style good looks" (nah, I added the 'Tony Stark' bit, but you catch my drift!), which gives hope to all those regular joe's out there (myself not included for I am a genetically superior breed of Christian man, HA!).

They said... and I quote that "internal attributes" are what they look for most (in fact one said she liked facial hair, not too little, but not like Gandalf either, just in the right places), which is good to hear as, if you pride yourself on building 'honour' & "integrity" within your heart, your mind & your life like I do, then it proves that there is a woman (or man) out there for you who will love & respect you for what you believe in!

Kicker time... for this is where it gets interesting, as they all seemed to be in agreement that, when a man knows his true identity in Christ, that is when he's most attractive as he feels no need to live up to the societal b.s. that men (like women) are forced into emulating with TV, magazines and other such distractions being a guiding force these days. So ridding yourself, as a man, of that aloof "couldn't give a cr@p attitude" gets you nowhere with the women, except those that like that in a man!

In all, as I do, I know that women want to be loved, accepted and cherished just for who they are, not for what they bring to the table (though there are those out there who feel that is essential) and if you, as a woman of Christ, know your identity in Him... then guess what? It makes you sexy (calm down, bro's it's just a word!), attractive & appealing to those men who are looking for that kind of thing... which I don't know about the other brothers who read this, but that's what I'm looking for in a woman! I don't want no superficial, plastic creation of society's laboratory!

HA! Bet you didn't see that coming, did you?! :P

One more point I can & will not skirt around... the issue of sex (oh cr@p... he said it, didn't he?!)!

We were told by those women that sex, believe it or not, is highly important (unsurprisingly!) to them, in fact it is rated so important that it helps ensure a healthy, godly relationship with our spouse as we leave our detachments at the bedroom (or wherever else the fancy takes, which is my own interpretation!) door and can unite one to another with nowhere for our inhibitions to hide.

We even had ideas thrown at us (the best of which was a hint was dropped stating which time of the day was most effective to cop off, which caused one of the Pastors from Audacious, whose identity I shall protect for now, to post a tweet saying that from now on he was cancelling all appointments for that time of day! NICE ONE, BRO'!!!). There was also a reminder that it pays to be patient and that we should take our time, which brings to mind a football analogy that the season (or in this case the act itself) is "a marathon, not a sprint" bro's!

You didn't need to be a genius to work that out, did you?!

It's all a question of proving to our partners that they actually matter to us and we're not too macho to admit it or even show how much they mean in the bedroom for there's nowhere for our inhibitions to hide there!

I do not care if some of you do not agree with the usage of the word sex as though it's a case of "oooh, Christians shouldn't talk like that!"!

Don't take that the wrong way, I'm just not afraid to tackle the issues that most Christians are afraid to broach these days! I'm actually past the caring point tbh, because I know now that I am the hand grenade that will go off on all the awkward issues that people think Christians are too intimidated to talk about!

Come on, did you really think I would avoid it? I've made over thirty posts on this blog and still you're surprised by my tone, bro's? You know by now I see myself as the hand grenade in situations that society thinks are taboo!

This don't make me any less of a man, in fact in some ways it makes me 'more than human' because I don't skirt the issues of today!

Simply put, God made us to be united two into one and in the end we will be united into an unbreakable bond (the 'we' in this context being me and my future partner-in-crime!) with God at the centre! I will do whatever it takes, bro's to make sure that my darling wife (wherever she is at this point in time) knows that she means the world to me and I will go to those ends of the world to prove it!

Well... that was unplanned, I did not mean to open myself up like that, oh well, you know what I say (well, what quote I steal!) it "pays to be Roode"!

Right... that about wraps up the second part of my Brotherhood review series, stay tuned tomorrow for the final part, which will cover my own thoughts and interpretations on what I take away from this weekend knowing that things will undoubtedly be never the same again!

Peace out!

The Lanky Penguin
(or "The Hand Grenade Waiting... no WANTING to Go Off!")

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