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06 May, 2013

What A Night - Church the RIGHT Way!

Whassup bro's!

It's been a few days since my last post and because of this, and because of what happened last night at church I thought I'd post my thoughts on here for you all to make sense of!

Now of course I've mentioned that 'dreaded' word to some but remember, it's only a word and the problem you've got is the meaning that has been attached to it over the years (and not a lot of it good I will add from the "Church's" in-fighting & scandals of which I am not of their denomination as I've already covered!).

Let me tell you a little bit about one church in particular, Audacious Church in Manchester...

I used to go to this particular place a few years ago and left because at the time my calling was in a different direction to that which they were going (and because my faith needed a clear-out from the very roots and basics of what I was believing) so I left to pursue said calling.

I digress (that can be the topic of another post should this bro' so choose),  let me first of all say that it was a tremendous service, with music akin to that which you would find at a gig (ie niiiice and loud & proper bouncy so it's not to everyone's liking but hey...!). This was capped off by the speaker, the effervescent & enigmatic Sophia Barrett, leading a superb message on how the Christian walk can often be stifled by that which "dumbs us down" and can negate our effectiveness in our walk with God.

I could guarantee that I've lost readers at this point if you've either: -

  1. No faith to speak of (not the way that sounds do I intend that!); or
  2. Are an agnostic/atheist
Now recall if you will that I have no problems with you at all if you fall into either of those two categories, just know that this is a posting that is meant to provoke thoughts and maybe even a reaction in those for whom it's meant  to be for who've maybe been non-committal in their faith. You bro's are an excellent source no matter whether you believe or not! ;)

The point I make is that the sense of what Sophia said is true no matter what your system is... whatever "dumbs you down" or holds you back from being all you can be is an obstruction that you need to get rid of if you want to fulfil your potential... capice (again the lack of accented characters really inhibits the impact of these posts and as soon as I can figure a way around that I'll do it!)?

Good, we're agreed then!

You bro's already know what I've gotten myself into so far and what I believe about myself (see earlier postings for more on that!) and I for one know that I've got every reason to and full grounds to believe in my full potential!


How else can I expect to push myself beyond the boundaries with which I am comfortable with, brah?

Enough "Dog"-talk for now let me talk about the icing on the cake!

After the meeting I bumped into a few friends of mine, namely Janey, Richard (a most awesome bro' of a calibre that few can match up to!) & Jenny whom I am telling you now are as welcoming as ever & it was like our friendship never went away (even though I moved away from the Failsworth area over two years ago now!).

Just when I was beginning to question whether there really is good in this world (in terms of people with both 'honour' & 'integrity' to the max) I am introduced to a superb chap called Lewis.

This of course makes you wonder why I've said what I've said no doubt? Well let me put it this way, man, I've already ranted about the state of my finances, how I'm trying to start a proverbial fire in life by rubbing two pennies together (it's alright for now dudes, but it cannot last forever!) at the mo.

Next weekend is the "Brotherhood Conference" at said church and as soon as I found out how much it was I was gutted because I cannot afford that kind of brass right now. I'm frickin' brassic (with just enough to get by!) though I hope you're still reading because you've no doubt guessed by now that, if you're reading between the lines and bearing with my delaying tactics, this bro', Lewis, offered to pay for my spot on said conference!

What a guy! Kudos to you, man! Kudos!

Seeing so much negativity in life I really was beginning to question the integrity of people in general, so to have this happen to me is a true blessing and a mark of my attendance at Audacious last night being EXACTLY where I was supposed to be bro's!

There's no such thing as coincidence!

I was meant to be there for a reason and that reason was that; a superb gesture to really help me out and help me grow into this new season of awesome-ness that I am being called to in my walk with God!

Final Thought

The lesson I'm putting out there, the point that I am making this early morning UK time, is that you are only limited not by your abilities, but by the size of your dreams. For me, the great Jimmy Dean said it best: -

"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today"

Can't get much clearer than that, bro's can it?!

So, if you're in the Manchester area on a Sunday and feel like going to a vibrant and lively church, then let me, the self-professed Sensational One, fully endorse Audacious Church as the one to be at, bro's!

Peace out!

The Lanky Penguin

PS. I promise you the next item I bring to this blog that is not a review, I will explain my signature!

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