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20 April, 2015

My Time Has Almost Come...

Easy now, bro's! :)

I hope you've all been having a good and positive start to yet another week in this cycle of life!

I have... though it has been a mixed bag of fortunes because I've gone from reading the detail with which God gave on the building of the Ark of the Covenant in Exodus, to another disappointment on the job front.

The former proves to me that, once again, our God is the God of detail and leaves nothing to either chance or sheer luck. By creative design is His plan for me to prosper and I would rather buy into that than risk living my life missing out on that if I were to believe otherwise.

What I'm looking at briefly today is my current circumstances now that I'm almost at the end of my time with Avanta, a product of this current Tory government's bright-idea'd welfare programme.

I've just had to re-write this section because what I started to say was going way too far off slant, politically, to what I'm covering and that is this idea that a person should be made to work for their benefits.

If you're thinking I'm against it... you're dead wrong! ;)

Working For a Living

In fact, I think it breaks the tedium of getting up in a morning, jobsearching, eating, drinking, sleeping and then rinse and repeat for the foreseeable future. Having to be somewhere for an appointed time is nothing I haven't done before from my jobs working at OPAL, TAGZ, IBM etc... so it's no skin off my nose, bro's. What I do say at this point is that whatever comes next after my "exit interview" tomorrow with Gavin I'm going to do my damnedest to approach with open arms.


The fact that it has come to this proves that the choices that I have made in days gone by have led me to this point, a point where God can still bless me, no matter where I end up. I cannot escape Him and I cannot escape it because: -
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23:6 ESV
Do you know that I had one person throwing a tonload of negativity at me concerning Seetec, the rumoured next step for me? I find this quite ironic because, whatever you think of Seetec as a company, they are merely providing a service at getting people either back into work or on 6 month placements.

You can either put up and shut up and get stuck in working with them to hopefully find something better to be working for, or else you can blame them for everything wrong with this society welfare-wise which doesn't solve anything because you're still out of work.

It is as if, at the moment, employers want to know you only on the basis of whether you're working or not at the moment because if you have an extended period of unemployment they want to know why (ED - which is natural because they want to see that you are trying to get back into work, TLP!) only to then say the 'client' usually wants someone who hasn't been out of work for that long.

Irony, thy name is softly spoken yet how vicious is the sting in thy tail!

It's ironic, I say again because negativity is a tactic Satan will often encourage to keep me distracted from my real calling and what better way to do that than by getting me to question whether what God told us is in fact going to happen. Not gonna happen, God is allowing me to move towards my exit with Avanta for a clearly defined reason that I am yet to discover, pal!

Are they the draconian welfare nazis goons that thinks the only thing the proletariat can proffer to society is that they work and nothing else? That's what the guy I bumped into in Avanta makes out. Did you know he called it a bloody "concentration camp"... get a soddin' grip man, this is 2015 we're talking about! :-D

Final Thought

It is all about the mindset with which I go into this next phase of my non-working life because I've got a feeling I'll be working real soon, bro's!

Either way, God's got my situation firmly in hand so I know that whatever happens, He'll: -
  • see me right; and
  • only invite situations that are intended to grow me in serving others

Anybody want to join me for the ride, lol?

Peace off!

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