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30 July, 2016

#Raising Up Fearless III: Where Then is Boasting?

Where, then, is boasting? It is excluded. Because of what law? The law that requires works? No, because of the law that requires faith. Romans 3:27 (NIV) emphasis added

Hello everyone and welcome to the concluding devotional in my #RaisingUpFearless!

I've been back now on social media for a week and I can certainly say that it feels weird to be back amongst it all!

I have, as I put in my very long-winded re-introduction post on Facebook, admitted that I may be liable to leave it again in the future, it just depends how my 'reboot' experiment goes.

Onto this week's devotional content...

29 July, 2016

60 Seconds of Faith - Episode #0047

Hello everyone!

Well, we're nearly at the fifty episode milestone... oooh, so exciting! :-D

I hope you've enjoyed these last 46 weeks as coming up after this series, as I already announced this week, will be a two-part episode called "Take It/Leave It" looking at the power of our baggage in our lives.

Meantime, here's the final part of our "#RaisingUpFearless"series:-

I'm looking forward to this because, as you already know, I've been opening up all the more this past few weeks about what having a crush (ED - Wow! It's been a while since he used that word, isn't it, lol?) on someone is doing to me.

All I can say so far, is that the earth is definitely moving somehow... :-O

This weekend, however, I'm going to be looking at what part boasting can play in our fearless walk for Jesus. Believe me, there is a place for it when used correctly!

Watch the skies!

25 July, 2016

Take It/Leave It - Preview

Hello everyone!

For the next fortnight once I close out "#RaisingUpFearless" this coming Friday, I'm going to be looking at the power that's packed into our baggage on our daily walks. Some of it is the good kind because it reminds us of ways we're not supposed to go, but did you know that some of it can be harmful and, if left untreated or unchallenged, dangerous?

'How can it be dangerous though?' You ask...

23 July, 2016

#Raising Up Fearless II - God, The Promise Keeper

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 1:20 (NIV)

Hello everyone and welcome to week 2 of #RaisingUpFearless!

This week, I'm going to look at what it means to be a promise keeper for God. I mean, sure, we've heard that God Himself is true to His word (ED - Isaiah 55:11 fyi), but what if I also told you that we have a part to play when it comes to receiving His promises?

Shouldn't we get in agreement with Him as this week's devotional verse suggests...?

22 July, 2016

60 Seconds of Faith - Episode #0046

Hello everyone!

I hope you're feeling suitably fearless having been inspired by last week's teachings. If not, then let this week be the week that kick starts a whole new level for you.

Either way, know that I'm believing for God's best in your lives, so stay inspired & more equally, stay awesome...

This weekend is one I've been looking forward to since I first wrote this content last week.

I'll be looking at just as much as God is a Promise Keeper, we also have a part to play in promise keeping if we are to develop a fearless attitude for Christ!

Plus it will be another chance for me to unpack a little promise that God gave me that I've been clinging onto since the summer of '09 in a small town in Wales.

Watch the skies!

20 July, 2016

Proposed Changes to the Blog


As you can tell, it's that time of the year again where I take a look at what I'm doing with my blog and see if I can fashion out a route going forward into the future.

You will have noticed a recent addition to my existing series of devotional posts where I'm exercising my creative muscle and the as yet unimaginatively titled "Creative Projects" isn't exactly giving it the flair it deserves but it's a start.

Also, there are other ideas that I am toying with...

19 July, 2016

Last Night a Writer Saved My Life

Do you ever have that feeling like you are permanently pre-occupied with stuff?

You know what I'm talking about, right? The feeling like no matter where you go or what you do, there is always stuff just buzzing around in your head that doesn't seem to want to come out.

I do, all the time lately and it is naturally having consequences whereby I'm seriously considering the things that I'm committed to because when I commit to something, it's an all-or-nothing arrangement.

Take writing on here, I discovered last week that partly the reason that I like to write so much in both my journal & on my blog is because I'm trying to tell my life story.

But what if I told you that there was another reason?

17 July, 2016

Thor: Well Worth the Disturbance

Hello everyone!

It's review time and today, I'm tapping out a review for Thor with Chris Hemsworth that I have literally just finished watching on Channel 4 in the UK.

I have been wanting to see this since it first came out and, admittedly, though I have no interest in The Avengers, it's a welcome distraction what with me taking the decision to stay away from the after hours club at my church for the forseeable future.

This is a review so I won't get into why I've decided to do that here...

16 July, 2016

#RaisingUpFearless - No More Shame

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. Romans 1:16 (NIV) emphasis added

Hello everyone and welcome to the start of a brand new series of devotionals titled "#RaisingUpFearless"!

This week, I'm going to take a look at an issue that affects so many people, yet can so often go untreated because of the damaging effect it can have on one's persona. On closer inspection, it can almost make someone feel like it's inappropriate to admit that they struggle so much with it.

What issue is that? Shame...

15 July, 2016

60 Seconds of Faith - Episode #0045

Hello everyone!

I'm looking forward to what will be coming out of the next three weeks as we start a brand new series entitled "#RaisingUpFearless"In it, I'm going to be taking a look at what it means to take a fearless mindset into whatever you are faced with.

It could be a job interview you've just been to, a medical report that has just come in, or, like is true in my case, a crush that you just can't seem to do anything about except shake like a leaf in the breeze the closer that you get! :-D

Here we go, let the fearless adventure begin...!

12 July, 2016

Creative Projects II: The Errant Heart by S.R. Cook

Hi everyone!

I hope you enjoyed my little poem, I know I enjoyed writing it!

Today, I've got something a little bit different for you because it's a descriptive piece of prose that I wrote off the back of the poem. You could argue that the poem sets the scene and this piece takes the proverbial "ball" and runs with it!


11 July, 2016

Creative Projects I: Falling Angel by S.R. Cook

Good afternoon!

I trust you are all having a most enjoyable week, I know I am!

I've got a little poem that I wrote last Wednesday and wanted to share it with you all to see what you think (ED - um, they can't actually tell you unless they comment, d'oh!).


09 July, 2016

More Than Enough: The Conclusion


For the last seven weeks, we have been looking quite in-depth at what it means when we talk about God being "more than enough" for our circumstances. Along the way, I've shared some very personal stuff all about a certain crush I'm battling with right now as well as some scripture where I've shown that even some of the most renowned Bible characters struggled with accepting the fact that God being present was more than enough for them.

I want to re-iterate, just like I did earlier this year, that it is not exactly wrong to admit that you are struggling to let God be more than enough for whatever it is that you are facing...

08 July, 2016

60 Seconds of Faith: Episode #0044

Hello everyone!

As the seventh and final part of my "More Than Enough" series goes up, I aim to once and for all set the fact in place that when God is by your side, no matter what you're facing, you will be victorious...!

05 July, 2016

What's Next? - A Preview of #RaisingUpFearless

I guess I couldn't stop myself talking about a certain issue last time after all, could I? :-D

As long as you know that my focus is right back to where it should be; seeking God first and His kingdom before my own personal stuff then all of that takes care of itself.

Whether or not I rejoin social media is still up in the air at this moment because, like I told my friend, I want to make sure it doesn't get in the way of my walk with God. By that I simply mean it's a dangerous habit to slip into when I'm checking Facebook, Twiitter & Instagram first thing in a morning before reading my devotional!

I already know now that I've found my True North again...

04 July, 2016

Am I Proving "More Than Enough" Yet?

Hi there everyone!

I hope you're having a wonderful Monday, I know I am, albeit in some very challenging personal circumstances right now.

You can go back and check throughout the recent content that I've been churning out and if you want to know the specifics then look out for the one's that have "crush" in the title because those have been talking about a certain, um, matter that's close to my heart.

Whilst I may have broken my duck yesterday evening and actually spoke to her (ED - you mean you actually spoke to her finally?!), I'm still left awestruck by the work that I am undergoing as God goes ever deeper and takes me ever deeper into some personal issues that I'd previously kept in rooms welded shut for years...

02 July, 2016

Representing God, Saving Man II: Lead By Example

Hello everyone!

I wanted to post some follow up thoughts to the post I made earlier today about how we can feel challenged so many times by what God says that we can forget to actually do what He says and watch Him work out all the missing elements.

We can become that intimidated, that afraid of what God is actually asking of us that we can forget that His provisions are often tied into us making that first step away from wherever's comfortable...

Representing God, Saving Man

Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?” Exodus 3:13 (NIV)

Hello everyone and welcome to another devotional accompanying yesterday's broadcast!

First up, let me get this right out of the way off the bat; my feelings have not in the slightest changed as far as a certain person is concerned... THAT... IS ALL!!!

So if you're reading this, hon', I like you, I like you... a WHOLE HECKUVA HEAP!!! ;-)


Now that's out of the way, I can focus on the issue at hand...

01 July, 2016

60 Seconds of Faith - Episode #0043


Forty three weeks in and still going strong, that's something, eh?! ;-)

I hope you are all continuing to get encouragement from this series as I take some time each week to apply scripture to what I'm currently walking through and show you what God is saying to me through each episode of my devotional broadcast...