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15 March, 2017

Be Careful Who You Associate With

Hi everyone!

I must say that I am really enjoying myself this week so far, last night I sat down to start work on a promo for my replacement for "60 Seconds", and got to thinking that we really need to choose our friends, or even our acquaintances very carefully.

I'm not going to repeat myself because I've covered a subject like this numerous times, but I want you to see some of what I'm seeing today...

Faith, Faith of the Heart


It takes an awful lot of faith to believe in a God that we cannot see right?

Don't worry, this is not me having a crisis of faith!

As I updated my Facebook with a video that somebody I know needs to see today, I got to thinking how our relationships can either take us to God or they can lead us away from God and I don't know about you but I know which relationships I would rather have!

As you can imagine, trying to chase after somebody who makes me so frickin' nervous I go all shy, pushes me to my boundaries but did you know that it is in those very boundary-pushing moments that I have seen just who I really am and a glimpse of the sort of things that I am capable of.

For anybody who tunes into my social media feed, they will see that I have an outward showing of what I believe in; the gospel of Jesus Christ and I'm not ashamed of that, nor will I ever be because it is the hope for salvation to all who believe (Romans 1:16).

What that outer life is, is a combination of a reflection of my true inner state coming out of my overflow (Proverbs 4:23) and some of the preachers that I have mentioned on here that I watch time and again on Youtube!

Thanks be to Youtube, or else I would never have discovered such amazing preachers as Pastor Levi Lusko of Fresh Life Church along with Pastor Craig Groeschel of Life.Church and I cannot go any further without mentioning both Pastors Joel Osteen and Steven Furtick.

I could go on listing even more preachers, but the reality is that the list would just get so long it might look like one of those genealogy thingies from the Bible (sic!).

EDIT: I've just today found out that my Life Group are changing locations so it is likely that I will be moving... again!

I wish I could say I'm happy about it, but I'm not, I'm really not but t'ain't up to me as the decision is out of my hands. I need to make my next move carefully or I will end up pulling out of Life Groups altogether and I cannot let that happen, not after the progress that I have made!

Final Thought

The reality is that, even though I have been crushing something somewhat relentlessly and persistently on somebody that I've talked about for so long now, I knew that I just had to keep seeking God.

Why? Because that's what people told me to do!

I only do what people tell me to when it's: -
  1. Right and biblically accurate;
  2. In line with where God is taking me; and
  3. Something that a leader asks of me that to disobey would be wrong
The reality is that, no matter how many people I might have told about my crush, whether this works out like I'm hoping and believing it will is all in God's hands.

I'm just trusting Him with it and I'm also happy with it because God knows who I should partner up with to launch a ministry that is going to change so many lives!


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