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25 March, 2013

Days Like These...

Whassup bro's!

I'm going to make today's piece short as I plan on watching a film shortly, though what it'll be I'm not too sure yet...

Having been to my local housing association today to report the repair I mentioned in the last post, I can now keep that aside and see how long this one takes to resolve itself!

Other than that, I've watched the Brazil vs. Russia game at Stamford Bridge on ITV4, an affair which was quite enjoyable and I thought an upset was on the cards (well, it would have been an upset had Brazil not been so subdued tonight) when the Russian goalscorer Viktor Fayzulin eventually tucked the ball away (I mean, for crying out loud, someone had to score it was thrown at the Brazilian goal that much!) after various Brazilian defenders threw themselves into the path of the ball only to be foiled at the last moment...

It really was a get-out-of-jail moment when Fred scored in the 89th minute though... and Neymar? What is all the fuss about?! I mean, I've only seen him twice against England (so of course that's not exactly a truly balanced view) and tonight against Russia, but the way the press fawn over him like he's some kind of Brazilian Messi or something is beyond me!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not calling the lad untalented, I'm just saying I don't yet see what all the fuss is about as he looks like he's at that stage where he wants to do everything himself (you know? the stage where selfish is the norm before being a team player) and the team can have the leftover scraps. I'll be willing to eat any words come Brazil 2014 though, I'm that honest enough...

Right, that's enough of that... I'm getting closer and closer to smashing my target out the park, so this is another post completed, signing off!

Peace out!

S.R. Cook
(aka The Lanky Penguin)

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