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22 March, 2013

Sucker Punch to the Face!

Whassup, bro's!

Well, that was certainly unexpected although, upon closer inspection with the weather changing maybe it wasn't... a meeting with a new friend got called off! :(

What I'm talking about tonight is one of those little subjects that oftentimes causes people to go off half-cocked and complain how a 'last minute change of heart' caused everything to fall apart in life!

You know the situations I'm talking about, the ones where everything seems to be going a-okay only for something to happen to send them askew (usually something out of your control!). Now, it's at this point that you can react one of two ways: -

  1. You can get all fecked off complaining that the universe is against you or out to do a right screwjob on your life; or
  2. You can adapt to survive life's ever-changing circumstances
This prompts the reaction "well, I always do the first one" or the second, instead of saying "WHOA! Wait a minute, do I have to react like that every single time?"

The answer?


Why? Because you are in control of your destiny, your destiny is malleable and will change depending on how your cope or react to your circumstances. I do not know about you but I would rather act to change my circumstances than react to the changes that are all around me, which is something that is not always possible else I would have far greater control than I actually have erstwhile!

Wouldn't we all like control in our lives? Control of the way things run and the way we react to them? I know I for one would, lol!

For me, it has to be the disappointing news that my new friend has unfortunately cancelled our meet-up for this evening (which is hardly surprising given the bloomin' weather forcast for Britain!), all I can say in response to this is "ah scheisse!" and move on, keep going because I know we'll get to meet up again, simply because it's written in my future, our future!

What gives me the right to be so definite? To be fatalist almost? Simply because I can and because I believe good things are coming my way that make all this waiting I've done over the years for the one good thing that I've been promised (more likely to come on that in the days ahead, bro's!)!

Can you see what I'm doing?

I'm not letting myself get bogged down so that I'm stumbling in consequence no longer, I'm looking UP for my help, not out!

What does that do?

It stops me from getting all sad when things don't work out... I mean, so what we can't meet up tonight (for 'tis Friday morning when I write this!), we will in the near future, that's a given!

Final Thought

This week's final thought comes to you from the voice of perspective, the one that cries out to you to 'get a grip' when all around is fading and nothing seems to last as it should.

Next time you feel like letting go, like screaming out that you cannot take it anymore, bro's, remember that life's only what you make of it so if you get those lemons in life DON'T turn them into sour attitudes and mindsets...


Peel those feckers off and make yourself some lemon meringue pie!

Peace out!

S.R. Cook
(aka The Lanky Penguin)    

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