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20 March, 2013

Better Things to Complain About...

Whassup, bro's!

Well, this post certainly has been overdue, even though it's only two days since my last one!

What I'm addressing today is the class of people (I'd want to say 'idiot' but that's a tad harsh, only a tad, mind!) out there that seem to have nothing better to do than complain about things that are of no consequence to them and their livelihoods (or at the very least not as much as they are making out!)!

You know the sort, they seem to be waiting for the Idiot's Lantern (or "TV" for the mooks out there!) to churn out something that they find so offensive that they just HAVE to complain to the TV watchdogs that they "had no right to show that because they found it offensive". It's like they're saying they have a right not to be offended instead of simply picking and choosing properly what offends them!

This can be anything from a "religious" sketch, to a cartoon horse (the best one I've heard complained about yet!) and it can be from the mildly offensive to the "this should not even have made it on TV let alone before/after the watershed" kind of thinking.

I've just watched the latest item complained about in question here and think it's superb! This is Rowan Atkinson as I remember him best, poking fun at, well, let's be frank things that in some ways are just ASKING to be poked!

YES I am a Christian and YES I can take a joke about my faith!

I mean, for crying out loud, to an outsider a lot of what Christianity is about can be mocked in one form or another (if you have any doubts watch Father Ted, though that's Catholicism and THAT my bro's is another kettle of fish entirely that I'm not gonna touch with a ten foot pole!) it's just about knowing where to look and where to poke!

But the reality of it for me, is that my faith gets me through all the tough times I've faced in life and I'm happy with that. I know people who don't necessarily share the faith I do and yet still admire the kind of resiliency I have without resorting to having a go at those that don't believe what I do!

Final Thought

The final thought for today's post then, is that just when you think it's safe to watch the I.L. again (see earlier for what that means!), something crops up that riles up a strange class of people in a way that could be best served by applying themselves to what really matters in this life and not making petty squabbles about something that is asking to be poked by those that don't want to get any closer than where they are at this time!

I've already said that I don't have a problem with you, no matter who or where you are in life with your allegiance (faith-based, or otherwise)!

For what it's worth Matthew 22:36-40 sums up Jesus' ministry in two verses, first off loving God 'with all your heart, mind & soul' and then 'loving your neighbour as yourself' for in doing both of these you are in fact keeping your life a worthy example of one who follows (and doesn't just believe!) Jesus.

Does that imply that one should get so wound up and uptight about such a sketch as this? Not on my watch, bub!


There's more important things in life to focus upon, like living by the words to this song, for crying out loud!

So brings to an end another entry and yes, this indeed seems like it's portraying a radical form of Christianity because I AM that radical form of Christian!

Peace out, bro's!

S.R. Cook
(aka. The Lanky Penguin)

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