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28 March, 2013

Multitasking the Right Way

Whassup bro's!

Here I am, writing this entry whilst simultaneously jobsearching and believe you me I know what I'd much rather be doing and I'm sure you can guess...

There have been times in my life where I've had to, not compromise, but certainly adjust accordingly and the job market is one example that springs to mind. I remember, going back to Summer '11, I was starting to really get affected negatively at the lack of job opportunities that were available, then I caught a break...!

I took a course in "Excellence in Customer Service" (or some other such crap title as that) and what valuable experience I can say that I gained as, like the fellow jobseekers in the environment, they were spurned onto an interview at LBM working for Vodafone on the inlife campaign; (hey, don't knock it, the bro does what he does to get by these days!) the golden carrot that the jobcentre had put on the end of the stick at the end for those that stuck it out!

What happened on that course saw me getting nominated for leadership of an Apprentice-style final task we had to do to pass the course. It was a tremendous surprise, to say the least, not for me getting nominated (that much was a given!) just mainly for the way I reacted to it (I used to be a shy kid, no, I mean really shy so to see how I embraced it fully was awesome!). 

Talk about feeling the common denominator of greatness, huh...?

End result? I got the job at Vodafone and enjoyed/savoured every minute of it, even if it did stretch me into gaining skills (well actually, it was more like pushing my boundaries to reveal skills I didn't even know I possessed!) that would serve me well for the future.

End of the story? That job didn't work out as I didn't pass the four month probation period because of changes that management made to the way the sales were calculated. Spit happens...

What I learned through all of this, is that whenever I'm pushed to what I think is breaking point, there's always so much more that can be pushed out from deep within (the so-called Sensational Factor as I term it!) and I learned to value a walk on such undiscovered ground (in terms of self-discovery) because it helped shape me to be who I am today; the self-proclaimed Sensational One (arrogance is merely confidence misplaced, says I!)!

Final Thought

The final thought then, is that no matter where you go, or how hard you had to push/sweat/fight to get there, just remember to appreciate the journey just as much as the destination because it's the journey that prepares you for your final destination.

I already know what mine is... but what's yours?!

Peace out!

S.R. Cook
(aka The Lanky Penguin)

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