Welcome to the quirky dimension that is my journey as a Christian and fully devoted (just not perfect!) follower of Christ. Here you'll find out that, as a writer, there's next to nothing I'm not prepared to write about, including my faith. Prepare for a smash-mouth style to collide with colourful topics as I continue to blog into everything that God has called me to be. Do not adjust your monitors, there is nothing wrong with them, you have simply entered... The WRITE Dimension!
No entiendo, hombres? Translate here...
30 December, 2015
2015 - Leaving it Like I MEAN it!
28 December, 2015
Unto God Be All of the Praise
25 December, 2015
60 Seconds of Faith - Episode #0017
I hope you're all having a great time of year and I just want to let you all know that I'm wishing you all the best for this time of year because I know what it's like to be down especially when everywhere you look it's couples, couples, couples. It's probably the second most dreaded time of year for singletons, aside from Valentine's Day.
But do you think I'm defined by my marital status?
21 December, 2015
The Wisdom of Jonah
18 December, 2015
60 Seconds of Faith: Episode #0016
It is categorically so good to be back on form right now!
When I use the term 'back on form', it's simply a point that however you have seen me write recently, it's great to be back to how I was before all this 'crush' business set off.
I'll be honest, it's a bit like the blasted firework-that-looked-like-a-pretty-flower that went and blew up in my chest just as the shotgun blast did from last week's devotional that I posted!
This time, things are going to be completely different...
13 December, 2015
The Power of Church
Why? Because my little 'crush' situation went, to be completely honest, a**e over t*t.
I told you in my video that I'm back and if you for one minute think that I'm going to let any more head-space get rented out to that situation you're wrong, DEAD WRONG!!!
11 December, 2015
60 Seconds of Faith - Episode #0015
05 December, 2015
Storm in a Teacup, or in Your Eyes
You've no doubt heard the expression to have a "storm in a teacup", meaning something akin to someone who makes out their situation is the end of the world for them, when it really isn't?
Well what I'm about to share soon will give you the chance to decide for yourselves if I too am overreacting, with the way my crush, as of this moment, has temporarily blown up in my face! :-o
As always, keep watching the skies, dudes!
30 November, 2015
I Am Stu--tacus IV: The Stigma Eater
29 November, 2015
I Am Stu-tacus III: Geared up Ready to Fight
27 November, 2015
I Am Stu-tacus II: The Sequel
I'm just watching Dr. Who... again... before bath-time so my next update will follow that up with a proper one from my laptop, as opposed to using my smartphone, like this.
Stay tuned because I fully intend on exposing what's really been going on during this time I've been away from my blog.
Prepare to be shocked and prepared be enlightened as I knock off some truths that I have been sitting on! :-D
Peace off!
26 November, 2015
I Am Stu-tacus, I Fight... And I WIN!!!
Hey everyone!
I'm just sat here having just started a Dr. Who marathon, starting with the Chris Eccleston 2005 series and working myself to the fourth season with Donna aka Catherine Tate!
Naturally not all in one frickin' night of course, I have to be up for placement tomorrow!
For anyone who's interested to know, I'm back to my old self (or #newnormal self!) so the next episode of my broadcast will be imminent. I assure you.
As for my teeny little crush? Well I'm more of a man now to handle it than I was when the fever broke a few weeks ago! :-P
Keep safe and remember... watch the skies, lol!
Peace off!
22 November, 2015
Can I Be Bothered Right Now?
Have you ever thought about that very question?
I have, all too often, all because I am in a situation that is enough to make a grown man cry... and cry I have, a lot over this!
I'm not ashamed to admit that.
That's how much the situation means to me.
I keep trying to post about it but this will be my sixth attempt at doing so because all preceding attempts have, after the fact, made me realise how powerful a position this is to be in. I can openly talk about it, but is it really right for me to do so on here?
All I can say, and I'm not ashamed of it, is that I like this young lady and that'll have to do for now.
I just want to take this opportunity to personally state that I am placing no pressure on the situation because we're hopefully going to be fast friends going forward.
I have been seeking God all the time lately so I've been getting glimpses into what's going on under the surface, in more detail than I ever thought possible.
I have grown up so much that I'm a bigger and better man than I ever was before I admit exactly how I'm feeling.
One thing I am learning during this time is that it is getting easier to break the touch barrier that, from someone who will openly admit that he was so for a long a$$ time, left me feeling emotionally stunted.
All because of how I chose to react to what's happened in the past...
My past.
Thanks in particular to Jess, Mark, Peter & the rest of my !Audacious Church family for being there for me!
As you can hopefully imagine, being so utterly distracted with my, um, situation like this has clearly pulled me away from the broadcast of mine so I'll be looking to set that straight as soon as possible.
Just give me a little more time, that's all I ask dudes! ;-)
Peace off!
21 November, 2015
Salva Mea: Mea Culpa
But I'm not!
Now before you go getting all annoyed and upset just know that, as I have repeatedly, repeatedly reiterated, I have been going through some deeply personal stuff, namely how I feel regarding a certain new friend I have made recently.
28 October, 2015
Pushing the Rev Limiter
Today is certainly an interesting day, is because it's not over yet and as I watch episode 15 of Gotham, I am left wondering just what the future holds.
Now before you wonder if yet another bout of melancholy has struck me again, it hasn't. It's just these smartphone updates I'm doing are allowing me plenty of time to think about my situation.
Let me take a bold step here and admit that I like my new friend, I mean seriously like her. I am not trying to put pressure on anyone, but if you are reading this then let this just be a mark of my boldness in admitting how I feel about you.
I've already probably said too much now, so let me close here by saying that even though I have told you that I am able to dream bigger than my current circumstances, it takes time sometimes to get to know whether you want to be with someone, so my eyes are to the skies and my ears are to the ground in the hope that one day I tell you how I feel.
Take no offense because none is intended, I just want to say I like you! ;-)
Peace out!
21 October, 2015
Changing Lanes
Well hello, bro's!
I've certainly gone through a lot this last month and I just want to take a moment to talk about it.
The short of it is that I'm on an emotional journey of self-discovery with God teaching me so much, too much to go into now because it's very personal. Also, it involves another person so out of respect for them, I am keeping it off these pages. I care too much about them to hurt them.
So, that being said, God is not leaving my side in this, He's giving me what to say as I need it and I'm super grateful as well as 'super hot'.
✌ out!
16 October, 2015
Faith Filled Friday Postponed
It's official that, until further notice, my broadcast 'Faith Filled Friday' is cancelled.
I'm going through some heavily personal stuff at the minute and my head is completely out of the game to be reliable right now.
I hope to post an update asap, the moment I get clarity on my situation.
Sorry for the stop start nature of my broadcasts of late, it turns out my new friend is bringing up feelings that I didn't know I was capable of.
13 October, 2015
Undergoing Changes
Well I can tell you're thinking that I am about to announce that changes are a-coming... but you are wrong!
I'm just making a quick post to let you know that I'm undergoing some really heavy emotional MOT work, spiritually speaking and I have no time for much else right now.
I promise I'll try to get my surprise up and running for Faith Filled Friday this week, but don't hold me to it.
Peace off!
09 October, 2015
Rock It Like It's 2015
Hey dudes,
Another week's come to a close and I'm still here as strong as ever.
Yeah, I've been to some dark places, but I'm still going, like the proverbial machine that I am! :-)
I hope you're doing well and that you are looking for the day of promise where you too find your first love or, if you're lucky enough to have found it then bravissimo!
I'm gonna keep churning the content out as much as I can because, apparently, it has been helping some people!
Thank you for your patience and, for those that pray, for your prayers as I start a new level of emotional maturity.
Peace off!
08 October, 2015
Sorry for the Confusion
Well, this is interesting... My first posting from my brand new smartphone.
I'll cut to the chase and say that with all the emotional shiznitz I have been going through that, sensibly, episode 15 of my broadcast will have to wait another week.
02 October, 2015
Faith Filled Friday - Sixty Seconds of Faith #0014
7 Days of Praise II - (Day Six) The Final, Finishing Touches
01 October, 2015
7 Days of Praise II - (Day Five) Breakthrough Without Breakdown
That's the problem that I have been working through because of certain events that have taken place recently, it has forced me to alter strategy accordingly depending on who I expect to read this.
I can attest to that and I'm in a semi-sober state, literally, after two monumental sessions I've had in my "7 Days of Praise" celebration today!
7 Days of Praise II - (Day Five) Future Fatherhood
7 Days of Praise II - (Day Four) Transmission Transformation Part Two
30 September, 2015
7 Days of Praise II - (Day Four) Transmission Transformation
29 September, 2015
7 Days of Praise II - (Day Three) A Revelation Revolution Part Two
7 Days of Praise II - (Day Three) A Revelation Revolution
7 Days of Praise II - (Day Two) An Infinite Loop Car Crash Part Two
7 Days of Praise II - (Day Two) An Infinite Loop Car Crash
So Honest You Want to Cry
Prediction? More of the Same... Tears!!!
Final Thought
Now I could go into an aaage of talking about what I got from this message but I'll just say the following sums it up: -
27 September, 2015
7 Days of Praise II - (Day One) I'm Not Going Back, I'm Moving Ahead
The Battle is Not Ours (Redacted Edition) - Walking Through Ice to Get Through the Fire
25 September, 2015
Faith Filled Friday - Sixty Seconds of Faith #0013
24 September, 2015
Escaping the Dimension of Mediocrity
22 September, 2015
#Belonging - Wanting to, Needing to & Having to
21 September, 2015
300 Posts & Still Going Strong!
It doesn't feel like it, I'll tell you that much, because when I started this the original remit was to review events on the motor racing calendar. I remember it well, it ranged from the British Superbikes to Formula 1.
Looking back though now, I cringe, because some of them, alright most of them were detailed beyond belief. They must have read like instruction manuals I went through play-by-play, every incident that went on during the race.
Goodness, how I want to cringe every time I think about it!
20 September, 2015
19 September, 2015
What Is Unseen Part I - Fighting An Enemy You Cannot See
18 September, 2015
Faith Filled Friday - Sixty Seconds of Faith #0012
Thank you for bearing with me on such an eventful week as the one I've had, I think I've posted something like every day so far this week! :)
As always, here's the latest episode of my broadcast...
17 September, 2015
The New Logo Here at Last!
So stand by for the grand unveiling...
16 September, 2015
The Little Things - They Just Won't Go Away
Fighting Bear Traps With Glass Limbs III - Placing the Roof Underneath
Maaan, I could not have predicted where all of this would end up, but I knew it just had to be said!
I've already admitted before that I can withhold things longer than I should do and also longer than is necessary.
Didn't I say it was like a toxic swamp?
That was why I wrote in my journal, as I quickly realised that to write is to prevent everything from building up.
15 September, 2015
The Little Things - They Make Me Who I Am
14 September, 2015
Fighting Bear Traps with Glass Limbs II - Prising Open the Jaws of Life
That was certainly a journey, wasn't it?
13 September, 2015
Fighting Bear Traps with Glass Limbs I - The Trap Snaps Shut
12 September, 2015
Faith Filled Friday Suspended - Returns Next Friday!
06 September, 2015
God or Man? - Getting the Right Results
It's interesting that this week's devotional should come up at such a time as this, because I'm going through a very personal struggle right now and I'm going to do my best to see that I use this to fuel the latest of my teachings.
Honestly! When I use the word 'teachings', I'm making it sound like I'm some kind of renowned speaker... well I guess you've got to start somewhere, huh? :-D
Let's begin...
04 September, 2015
Faith Filled Friday - Sixty Seconds of Faith #0011
It's that time of the week, Faith Filled Friday time, and this time I'm going to be looking at a subject that might seem rather shallow on the surface.
There might appear not to be a lot to it, but when you read into it and think a little bit more, you can see that the choice to serve God or man is a choice we all should not take lightly.
Let's have a look...
30 August, 2015
As Unto God - A Workman Approved Pt III: God Has Your Back
28 August, 2015
Faith Filled Friday - Sixty Seconds of Faith #0010
23 August, 2015
As Unto God: A Workman Approved Pt II
Hello again,
Right, let's pick up exactly where we left off last time by taking a further look at the story of Jonah and the whale.
So far, we've discovered that what happens when you wilfully disobey God as, in Jonah's case, a run in the opposite direction resulted in a set of circumstances that saw him in the belly of a big fish.
Yet, even in circumstances of disobedience, as discussed last week, God can, and will, still seek us out when we go astray.
How great an example of lovingkindness!
21 August, 2015
Faith Filled Friday - Sixty Seconds of Faith #0009
16 August, 2015
When One Chance Comes... Make the Most of It
That's right, starting tomorrow I am back with the land of the workers once again working for a company based in Northenden selling broadband and phone lines to businesses. It might not sound like bliss to some, but it's the potential for a basic salary plus uncapped commission that attracted me to the role.
It beats those other roles I went for, that's a fact!
I'll do an update real soon on how things have gone.
15 August, 2015
As Unto God: A Workman Approved Pt I...
Let's start today by looking at the word diligent, according to Merriam Webster: -
characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort
14 August, 2015
Faith Filled Friday - Sixty Seconds of Faith #0008
13 August, 2015
To Deny Thy Message or Not
11 August, 2015
Windows 10 - Initial Impressions Are Good
Yesterday I started my free* (where free is 'for the lifetime of the supported device', whatever the frell that means, heh!) upgrade to Windows 10.
So what are my initial impressions?
Not bad, not bad.
I must admit the only gripe I had with it when the upgrade had finished was how it insisted on logging on by default to my admin account, a feat which is highly illogical when it comes to web surfing. That's like giving the keys to a known robber and saying "please don't rob me"; the sonuvagun won't listen!
09 August, 2015
Your Life or Theirs - The Importance of Balance
Here's one for you; if you're facing a difficulty, would you take your own advice or someone else's? In any situation that you are faced with you can either follow your instincts or seek wise council from those that are in the know.
Which one is more important though? In the grand scheme of things, which of the two perspectives should have more weight put into it?
I'm here today to advise that they're both just as important as one another, the real challenge comes into knowing when to follow your instincts and when to follow the advice of others.
07 August, 2015
Faith Filled Friday - Sixty Seconds of Faith #0007
05 August, 2015
A Marvellous Light Has Won My Heart
The why for this is simple; because I have had not one but TWO interviews.
I must say I am really feeling the benefit now of working out what it means to have "bigger than faith" because of Lydia Chorpening's book because it is getting me to look at my life with no holds barred and actually say to myself "how much do I believe God has control of everything?"... no not just believe, I mean REALLY believe.
04 August, 2015
Containing the Uncontainable
That's all I can say right now, because God is just that good and He is doing that much good in my life! :-D
I've detailed on here already just how encouraged I've been over the last few weeks of attending church, even when I have at times just not felt like going. It reminds me what Ps. Glyn Barrett said; that church "creates a rhythm" for your life.
Did you get that?
It doesn't just start a rhythm, or fix a rhythm, it creates it!
To "start" and to "create" are two very different concepts, my friends.
01 August, 2015
The Finger of God Has Writ!
I'll tell you what, it reminds me of those programmes I used to find as a kid that warned of the danger of fireworks. I mean, who didn't write their name in the air at the bonfire on November the fifth as a child?
What about the programmes about wizards and stuff that used to feature the main character waving his or her fingers to cast some sort of a magical spell?
Now imagine for a moment that when we, as Christians, talk about God moving, this is one way in which He can, but is not limited to, move.
What image does that conjure up!
I'm already starting off strong today, so let's carry on and see where we end up.
31 July, 2015
Faith Filled Friday - Sixty Seconds of Faith #0006
25 July, 2015
God With Us - May the God of Peace Go With You
I hope you're having a good weekend so far, I must say, I am because I'm looking forward to starting my new six month work placement at Pastures New animal sanctuary. It could be anything that I'll be doing from digging post holes, filling pot holes to all sorts of other manual work, but that's for an upcoming life update.
The time has come for me to unpack this week's "60 Seconds..." broadcast, so are you ready?
Good, let's go!
24 July, 2015
Faith Filled Friday - Sixty Seconds of Faith #0005
22 July, 2015
Pour Me Something Stronger Part I - Something Dark
18 July, 2015
The Promised Rest - No Rest for the Worried
17 July, 2015
Faith Filled Friday - Sixty Seconds of Faith #0004
15 July, 2015
Ejecting the Black Box From Life
First off, what sounds like an extreme title is not really, it's just a label I've been trying to put on exactly what it is that I've been going through of late.
Like all good stories, I want to start at the end, though, rather than the beginning.
So here goes...
14 July, 2015
Know Your Goal - You Just Might Need It
10 July, 2015
Faith Filled Friday - Sixty Seconds of Faith #0003
04 July, 2015
Faith Filled Addendum - In Word & In Deed
03 July, 2015
Faith Filled Friday - Thoughts on Words
In a change to how things have been done the last two Faith Filled Fridays, this week's devotional comes from the heart without the associated audio production with it. In other words, for this week only, and because I haven't had time to do it, there will just be a posting on my thoughts on a particular issue.
24 June, 2015
Reaching Into The Veil
21 June, 2015
It's Getting Harder & Harder to Breathe
18 June, 2015
Faith Filled Friday WILL RETURN!!!
Just want to let you all know that my production, "Faith Filled Friday's 60 Seconds of Faith" will return on July 3rd!
I've had computer issues that has resulted in the sacrifice of ANOTHER computer, but fear not because I've got a replacement now!
Peace off!
12 June, 2015
Faith Filled Friday Suspended!
Just to let you know that for the foreseeable future, Faith Filled Fridays has been temporarily suspended due to ongoing technical difficulties.
More info will be released in due course with a view to get it back up and running again.
Thank you...
08 June, 2015
Lifestyles of the Not So Rich & Famous
06 June, 2015
Be Careful What You Wish For - You Just Might Get It
05 June, 2015
Faith Filled Friday - Sixty Seconds of Faith #0002
It's week three of my "60 Seconds of Faith" series and I'm starting to realise just what I've gotten myself into!
But you know what?
I could care less, because if it means I get to share wisdom with all you fantastic people, then all the better! :)
01 June, 2015
7 Days of Praise - My Own Personal Heaven
I wouldn't normally be writing a post so soon after my latest 60 Seconds of Faith broadcast, but I thought you all deserved to know a little experiment I was running last week from Sunday, 26th May to Saturday, 30th May.
A little experiment I'm calling 7 Days of Praise...
31 May, 2015
The Perseverance of Abraham - Sixty Seconds of Faith #0001 Part II
Hey there!
When thinking about what to put for the next episode of 60 Seconds of Faith, I naturally began to think of common examples of perseverance. The more I thought about it, the more I realised that perseverance is all across the Bible as long as you know where to look. From David persevering in his escape of his persecutor; Saul, to examples of Jesus' own perseverance when it came to the people's own ignorance at what He was trying to demonstrate.
In the end, though, I landed upon Abraham & Sarah's story, around the time they received the 'promise' from God that he would be a father to many nations & that Sarah would play her part by giving birth herself.
But what good would that do, given he was almost a hundred years old and she wasn't far behind?
Let's zoom in for a closer look...